Samurai Warriors
4 min readSep 7, 2022


The LVME token is a cryptocurrency of projects powered by LVME studios. This token will be utilized to fuel the economics in the Samurai warriors’ ecosystem.

The token will also be used to unlock the futuristic game characters, though this plan will be unfolded in Q4 of our roadmap.

While the major motive behind the introduction of LVME tokens to the Samurai warriors game is to create utilities for the NFT characters, we have equally prepared to give our gamers a sense of empowerment such that the hours, money, and effort they spend on the game will be profitable.

You may perhaps be wondering how you can acquire these tokens in our gaming ecosystem. The below explanation shall clearly explain “how to.”

First, you can accumulate these tokens by completing missions in our gameplay or by selling gaming items in our secondary NFT marketplace…(and-soon-to-come), by staking.

To stake tokens, a holder must have a minimum of 2 NFTs (one male and female Samurai). We’re also working towards token distribution in adherence to the rules of the P2E ecosystem.

This strategy gives users a sense of autonomy that, by their collective actions, they are the ones dictating the flow of the tokens in circulation, as opposed to traditional games where such decisions are solely taken by the team members.

LVME Token Statistics

Max Supply: 10000000

Buy Tax: 0%

Sell Tax: 0%

blochIn our gaming ecosystem, there is zero buy and sell tax within the game to help the long-term expansion and motivate users to settle for the LVME token as a preferred means of exchange, instead of going off our platform to conduct backdoor sales of game assets using other cryptocurrencies.

Also, in order to preserve the value of the LVME token within the Samurai warriors’ game, and also kick against inflation, we have infused a halving mechanism to token distribution.

A 30% reduction in earnings will automatically be executed after the token has reached certain distribution milestones, similar to the mechanism used for Bitcoin halving. This is to create scarcity and keep the price of the token stable despite persistent gameplay in the future.

Use Cases

The LVME token will have various use cases within the Samurai warriors’ game economy. This falls under two categories: the NFT section, and the play-to-earn game.

The NFT Section

The LVME token will not be restricted to a means of exchange within our secondary NFT marketplace, but also performs the same function when newer NFT collections are developed, which is surety as the Samurai warriors’ project will continue to evolve.

In the future, there will also be future partnerships and collaborations with other NFT projects from LVME studios to create a whitelist marketplace for projects like ours, whose parent company is LVME studios.

The LVME token will play a very significant role in the functionality of this marketplace, and those who hold the tokens will be able to acquire a whitelists without any hassle.

Play-to-Earn Section

A futuristic Samurai collection will be released in Q4. This new NFT collection (Tokugawa Shoguns) will be borne from a mutation of the current Samurai collection with new attributes and rarities.

The Breeding of Tokugawa Shoguns will be only available for selected individuals, based on the number of Samurai warrior NFTs they have purchased and used in the P2E game.

The Tokugawa Shoguns were elite governmental heads in the 1750s responsible for maintaining order and unity in Japan by carefully managing the social hierarchy in the country.

This new collection will possess better aesthetics than the current NFT collection both in gameplay and art. The collection will also have separate utilities for maximum gaming and earning streams.

Apart from the futuristic NFTs, the current collection of the Samurai NFTs will become customizable after the first version of the P2E has been launched.

Also, players will be able to customize their characters’ skins, weapons, and even facial markings. All of these mutations and upgrades will be paid for with the LVME token.

Long-Term Vision

We have seen many projects in the blockchain space fail and crumble because of unpreparedness for future challenges like a breach in security, or a sudden downtrend in the crypto market.

To ensure the longevity of this project, we have run two security audits on the LVME token to ensure cases where users can exploit a flaw or bug in the code are impossible.

We have also built partnerships with resourceful blockchain Launchpad projects to help sustain the reward model used in the game, regardless of the cryptocurrency market conditions.

The LVME token will be the ultimate purchasing tool within the Samurai warriors’ economy, allowing players to enhance and tweak their gameplay in any way they choose.

So get your gaming fingers ready, forge new weapons, join Shogunates armies, and do what you must to win the title for Minamoto Yoshitsune.

Stay connected

To get current updates on the current developments within the project. Please do well to connect with us through our social media handles.

Samurai Warriors

Fearless Samurais protecting and defending Metaverse lands