Memes — They’re none of my business

Joshua Samways
2 min readOct 28, 2016


Memes have been around for long time, but one that’s stood out for me more than others has been good ol’ Kermit the Frog. Kermit’s meme’s have not been around for an extensive period of time, first appearing in 2014, but Kermit’s memes have been remixed quite a ton. Kermits meme’s poke at everyday social behaviors and odd situations.

The first appearance of the Kermit meme was in January of 2014 when various Instagram users started to caption Kermit in various photos and #Kermitmemes . An account by the name of @Kermitbelike started to include the phrase “that’s none of my business”. This ended up being coined as the main phrase with the Kermit memes.

As the meme continued to grow a @thatsnoneofmybusinesstho feed was created and within four days it gained well over 130,000 followers. Kermit’s peak in popularity came when the coined catch phrase combined with Kermit’s signature picture of him drinking a Lipton tea.

The main Kermit image

For most of 2014 the Kermit meme was one of the top memes of the year, and since 2014 there have been over 2100 Kermit meme photos on Instagram alone. The Kermit meme even branched out onto apparel such as hats and t-shirts. The meme was re-surged in 2016 when Lebron James posted an Instagram with the Kermit meme themed hat taking shots at critics who had been judging his performance with the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Lebron meme hat

The Kermit meme has not been around for ages, but its stab on social faux- pas always has me laughing. The meme seems to go over certain boundaries at times, but only when its necessary.


