From Productivity Procrastinator to Newsletter Ninja: My Morning Magic (and Why You Should Join the Tribe)

Sanket Gaikwad
2 min readDec 30, 2023


Okay, spill the tea: remember when “morning routine” meant hitting snooze till noon? Yeah, me too. But lately, my sunrise ritual involves something way cooler than scrolling through cat videos — I’m pumping out a newsletter like a caffeinated keyboard warrior!

Happy Face!

Forget stuffy, tweed-clad academics — my writing HQ is PJs-and-laptop-on-the-couch, fueled by questionable amounts of chai. Why the sudden transformation? Buckle up, buttercup, because I’m spilling the productivity beans!

First, writing became my secret weapon. Imagine crafting castles with words, each sentence a brick in the wall of knowledge. It’s addictive, like building Legos for grown-ups, only less painful on the toes. And let’s be honest, people crave content that’s short, sharp, and shuns the snoozefest.

But beyond the dopamine rush of crafting catchy headlines, there’s a deeper purpose: learning on steroids. Ever heard of the Feynman Technique? Basically, you master something by teaching it to others. Well, guess what? This newsletter is my personal boot camp! Every topic I dissect becomes a brain-bending adventure, forcing me to learn, synthesize, and (hopefully) deliver knowledge nuggets you can actually use.

Now, why productivity, business, and tech? Because these are my jam! I devour info like my dog inhales squirrels (don’t worry, he’s on a leash). But beyond my geek-out, these are the power tools shaping our future. Mastering productivity hacks unlocks your inner rockstar, understanding business trends keeps you streets ahead, and staying tech-savvy ensures you’re not the office dinosaur who still faxes things.

So, why should you join this crazy party? Because it’s time to build your own “something”. This newsletter is your launchpad, your platform to share your voice, your expertise, and your passion. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll be writing your own, inspiring others with your unique blend of knowledge and (hopefully) humor.

