Why Read? Do You Need Vaccinations?

Sanctified Weaving Co.
3 min readJul 28, 2016

For quite some time now I have been hearing many people, like the much beloved Gary Vanynerchuk, talking about how he has only read seven books in his entire life and, no offense to him because I still agree with the strategy, he loves to fail. Though I honestly think he, and many others wouldn’t have to fail as much if they simply read more.

Why I think reading is a large key to failing less goes back to the last half of my title, Do you need vaccinations? The answer is, most times, no, but what a vaccination does for your body, or why it is important is that it injects small amounts of said pathogens into your body, so that your immune system can learn that type of “problem” or disease and make a “system” or antibodies to fight it.

In the same way reading quality books is like giving your brain a vaccination to one or more problems that you will encounter, not only in business but in general life as well. I do want to go back to the point earlier made about how vaccinations aren’t necessary, also in the same way we can go through life without reading books (or only a handful) but keep in mind that only reading a handful of books is like only having one or two vaccinations, your life will be far more painful and you will waste more time having to make the same mistakes as many others, and teach yourself how to get out of those mistakes. This, in grand scheme of things, will only slow you down, making you less productive and all the while taking longer to get to where you want or need to be in your life. I can’t help but think if Gary would have spent more time reading he very well may have already been the owner of the NY Jets…

I can really relate to this message, both in business, and in life, when opportunities have been presented that my mind quickly picked up the similarities and I was easily able to jump on the offer, or stay well away. I knew these things not because of intuition (not that I totally dispel that) but simply because my mind had the “antibodies” or system already in place for these situations.

So if you are on the fence about reading books, or if you (like the old me) just don’t think they are that interesting, keep in mind that your brain will be going through life unvaccinated, which will, at least, cause you to go through unnecessary pains and tribulations. Saying no when you should have said yes or vice versa. Just remember there is a price to laziness, and you, for better or worse, always reap what you sew.

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Sanctified Weaving Co.

This is the official Medium for Sanctified Weaving Company, an Alaskan based paracord bracelet maker. Where I make wearable reminders to live a sanctified life.