
Sandra Petersen Mathiasen
2 min readOct 3, 2016


What a good life we have, while other people in world are suffering. Why are we so selfish?

Maybe you haven’t think about how lucky to be you. Just because you are greenlandic, with a lot of clean water and animals hunted that you can eat.
You just all thinking about is new clothes, Iphone, computers, TV and other stuff, that makes you feel happy.

Think about poor people. Should we call them poor, or should we call ourselves poor?
They have caring for others, like many don’t have. Share their food, thinking about their next.

We should help immigrants. When will racism will stop? STOP STOP STOOP!
Just because they have other religion, their skin color, by their culture, by their behavior.
I wish we could share world, together. No matter what country is.

Think about, IF there is war in Greenland. And you’re the one who have lost family that you love. You will feel alone, helpless. No money you have.


Think about peoples feelings, not by their look. Look inside. Keep looking more.
It’s the most brightest.
I will not call you a hater or whatever negative word is. Because I don’t know you. But I know you have a side of goodness.

Just remember you can still learn.



Sandra Petersen Mathiasen

Sandra when she was 21 she has participated in the competition called ‘Allatta 2040’, her novel is ‘World War III’.Love to:write quotes,short stories,poetry…