STOX: The Why Factor

Sandro Boza
2 min readFeb 25, 2018


Knowing your why gives you a way to make choices, that will help you find greater fulfillment in all that you do.

A wise statement: when you don’t move forward and dwell on the past, that’s when you become stuck and that is the mistake many make. These experiences that happen to you are meant to happen to you, so that you can learn from them and they build you up for what your true purpose is.

Questioning is the art of learning. Learning to ask important questions is the best evidence of understanding. The question can be noble, well-researched, and justified.

It’s about constantly moving forward, learning from what just happened, making sure you don’t make the same mistake twice and being better prepared.

The right question at the right time can make a learning experience. The fact is that everything happens for a reason. Life is about connecting the dots and constantly moving forward.

This is exactly what prediction market is all about, it is built on the principle that markets serve to aggregate the beliefs of multiple individuals to generate a forecast.

Stox is trying to connect the dots in the prediction markets by utilizing decentralized platform. You can not connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards, that’s why Stox built a user-friendly platform to help users find the most relevant markets and information easily and quickly, based on their experiences.

The goal in predictions markets is to predict the event’s outcome based on users knowledge. The best strategy is to focus on past behavior. Ask questions that require us to describe what have been done.

Stox is an open source, ethereum based platform for prediction markets where people can predict the outcome of events in almost any imaginable category. The platform targets mainstream audiences and provides a venue where users can enjoy predicting everyday events in real time, and potentially profit from the outcome.

Life is based on your actions and your mind. Both have to work hand in hand with positivity and continuity.

