The Perfect Email Cover Letter Template

3 min readOct 1, 2017


There’s no such thing as a “job for life” anymore. Most of us use the power of the internet, references, and recommendations to stay very mobile in our careers. Whether you’re making a sideways move, taking a step up the career ladder, or applying for another role, your cover letter makes a big difference to getting your foot in the door.

A cover letter helps you highlight why you’re awesome, lets a prospective employer know how you would be a good fit, and encourages them to read through your resume. When it comes to crafting the perfect email cover letter, our friends over at Recruiterbox are the experts. We worked with them to put together an awesome email cover letter template that can help you land the interview and take the next step in your career.

We covered the general principles of writing an email cover letter in this article — how to write the cover letter that lands you the interview. We recommend you read that article first so you’ve got some useful context for this template.

General Guidance for Writing an Email Cover Letter Template

Make sure you’re qualified for the job you’re applying for!

Read and re-read the job posting and address their specific points, requirements, and approach in your cover letter.

Customize your cover letter for each role, even if you’re using a template.

Focus on how you can solve their issues — use words like “you” and “us” as much as you use words like “I” or “Me.”

Get to the point.

Don’t be afraid to stand out and use facts to demonstrate why you would be a perfect fit for the role.

Get the recruiter’s name — this makes a huge difference.

Research the business and reference that in your cover letter.

Don’t forget to attach your resume.

Proofread your cover letter three times before you send it.

The Cover Letter Template

Purpose — to get a recruiter or hiring manager to read your resume, take you seriously, and invite you to interview.

Notes — this template simply provides a basic framework for your cover letter. You will need to amend it depending on the specific type and level of role you’re applying for, and the hiring company’s needs. There is no “one size fits all” cover letter.

Subject line — Application for [job role title] with [company name]

“Dear [recruiters name]

I am [excited, delighted, other positive emotion] to be applying for [job title] with you. As an experienced [related profession — marketer, salesperson, community manager, etc.], my skills and expertise are perfectly suited to [solving the problems you’ve identified from reading the job description, e.g. ‘getting you the sales results to grow your company,” “growing a passionate community by providing an amazing online gathering place” etc.]

I feel that [company name] is the right place to work with like-minded people. I can see from [research you have done] that [point out key positive things about the business.] That is a culture and approach I want to be a part of, helping to [name positive changes they are making in their industry, sector, or the world.]

[Optional section — list key points from the job ad and how you are uniquely qualified to meet those needs.]

Of course, you will want to know the value I bring to the role. Although my resume explains my skills and experience in some detail, I wanted to highlight a few key successes.

[include a list of key successes you’ve had, using hard data and statistics. Briefly explain the positive impact you have had on other businesses. Use active language highlighting the unique strengths and skills you provide.]

As you can see, my expertise and approach would make me an ideal addition to the team at [company] and I look forward to meeting with you, learning more about your business, and sharing how I can help you be successful.

Thank you for the opportunity to apply for this role


And there we are — a cover letter template that’s easy to tweak for your next application. The very best of luck!




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