Sangeeta Kalsi
May 25, 2024


In the current climate, especially in the US and Italy for starters, where men and governments are threatening to jail women if they don't bear pregnancies to term you'd think they'd celebrate any reminders of pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc. Controlling the narrative on women's bodies is a covert way of controlling those bodies. Telling women to "get up and move" in period ads when endometriosis and pcos are not only common but incurable, telling women to breastfeed but hide, telling them to feel shame if they treat pregnancy as anything BUT rainbows and sunshine is all about control. Hell, women can't even be thin or fat without society rushing to speak on it and shame. It's truly tiring. Great piece, thank you for sharing the ad especially on post partum.



Sangeeta Kalsi

Dubai-born Indian living in Italy. Writing from a feminist artist & immigrant's lens. Say hi on Ko-Fi: