Above the Plate: Why Drones are a Game-Changer for Food Photography and Videography

Sankarshan Das
3 min readFeb 17, 2023

Drones are not new and definitely not a new concept if youa re thinking of them of using them for shooting outdoors, All of us has seen some amazing pieces of content shot on them outdoors.

However using them indoors is an totally different ball game.

I recently had the opportunity to be part of a shoot with WYDS(WHAT YOU DIDN’T SEE) agency. Where a DJI Mini 3 pro drone was used capture some truly breathtaking shots of a Daddy’s Fried chicken restaurant’s menu offerings. It took us just 3 mins to make the dron exactly hover over me for a topdown shot of food prep.

The experience was unlike anything I had ever done before, and I was blown away by the results( figuratively and literally)

Behind the Scenes from the shoot

What I loved most about using a drone for food photography was the unique perspective it provided. By flying the drone high above the prep table, we were able to capture some stunning aerial shots of the food. These shots gave us the opportunity to showcase the restaurant and its offerings in a way that we could have never done before.

Using a drone for food photography was also incredibly efficient. In the past, capturing overhead shots of the food often required a ladder or high platform, which was time-consuming and potentially dangerous. With a drone, we were able to capture high-quality images quickly and safely, which allowed us to complete the project faster than we could have with traditional methods.

The quality of the images captured by the drone was also exceptional. The high-resolution images allowed us to zoom in on specific details of the food and capture unique perspectives that we could have never achieved with traditional photography. The result was a set of images that were incredibly detailed and truly breathtaking.

Using a drone for food photography was also extremely versatile. We were able to capture a wide range of shots, from sweeping shots of the entire kitchen area to close-up shots of specific dishes.

Finally, the use of drones for photography and videography is still relatively new, which made the project even more exciting. The novelty of using a drone helped us create visuals that were truly attention-grabbing and unique, which is exactly what we were hoping to achieve with this project.

In conclusion, the unique perspective, efficient shooting, better quality images, versatility, and attention-grabbing visuals all made this project incredibly rewarding. As drones continue to grow in popularity, I think drones will soon be a norm and and an increasingly important tool for food photography and visual marketing in general.



Sankarshan Das

Digital marketing professional, Social Media Strategist