Congratulations to the Winner of Our Labyrinth Contest!

5 min readJun 22, 2018

Well done Traveler!

You have successfully seen your trial through the end, and emerged victorious as you bathe in daylight once more.

What an adventure you have been on!

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Thank you for all your submissions to our Labyrinth Contest, we’ve seen a truly creative array of entries that delighted and amazed us.

Our committee of three judges are now pleased to announce the winners of Sansar’s Labyrinth Contest.

3rd Place — Horizon Maze, by Ecne

Visit the Horizon Maze in Sansar

A beautiful, interlocking labyrinth that is truly beautiful. This whole maze is constantly moving, which is a Creative way to make use of a compact experience, and the final puzzle draws on similar visuals in an inventive way.

The little maze maps you can find on the floor which are also constantly moving, are also a great help to checking your progress and enabling you to find a solution.

Congratulations Ecne, you have won an Oculus VR Headset along with some Oculus Touch controllers!

Score: Complexity: 18, Creativity: 22, Interactivity: 15, Enjoyment: 20

Total: 75

2nd Place — Ebucezam, by Tron

Visit Ebucezam in Sansar

After finally realizing that Ebucezam was an anagram of “Cubemaze” we were finally able to focus on the labyrinth at hand — a fun color-collecting puzzle of maze.

Complexity and Interactivity blend together satisfyingly in this experience, while being combined with solid game design. As you collect new colors you unlock new elevators, which unlock more colors, which mean you can backtrack to that elevator you saw right at the start. Classic.

With a secondary evolution to this core mechanic and some sound design, this experience could almost be a little indie-game in its own right. Wonderful visual style as well, and of course, a great use of color.

Great job, Tron, you win one year’s subscription to your choice of Maya or Zbrush.

Score: Complexity: 22, Creativity: 17, Interactivity: 21, Enjoyment: 19

Total: 80

1st Place — The Secret of Mount Shasta, by Abramelin Wolfe

Discover the Secret of Mount Shasta in Sansar

This experience has it all! You’ve got push-plate puzzles, you’ve got traps to dodge, you’ve even got skeleton slaying and each one of these puzzles is as original and satisfying to complete as the last.

The Secret of Mount Shasta is Interactive, its Complex, it uses Sansar Creatively as a platform, and that Enjoyment climbs to a climax that goes through the roof at the very end! This is one you have to see all the way through.

There’s even environmentally storytelling to teach users what to do in a graceful manner, beautiful shifts in ambient sound and it really pulls you along with that sense of adventure. This experience could easily be a small dungeon in an Elder Scrolls or Legend of Zelda game.

Well done, Abramelin Wolfe. You win our grand prize of $5000 USD!

Score: Complexity: 23, Creativity: 23, Interactivity: 24, Enjoyment: 25

Score: 95

We continue to be amazed by what our users can do with Sansar and so to celebrate that creative work we wanted to give a few shout-outs to some admirable entries, with these Honorable Mentions!

Honorable Mentions

Scurry Landia, by Alfy, Medhue and Bagnaria — Best Animation

Visit Scurry Landia in Sansar

Gremlins, Furbies and even Creatures 2 — everyone had something from their childhood that these loveable “Scurries” reminded them of. Truly wonderful character design and outstanding animation work that even reacts to a user’s proximity. Terrific work!

The creators leave a message at the end promising “more adventures soon!” and we cannot wait to see what’s next for the adorable Scurries.

Kandy Land Maze, by KandyBrainz — Most Resourceful

Visit the Kandy Land Maze

This experience is a high energy maze of rotating platforms, shifting platforms, turbo-elevators and revolving doors. It’s just a few mirrors short of being the greatest Funhouse ever made!

What we really loved about this experience was how resourceful it got with just animated objects. It shows that interactivity is not limited to scripts and dynamic objects, but can include how a user moves through a space and the challenges they have to overcome.

Gridlock, by Nebulae — Best with Friends

Play Gridlock in Sansar

The bassy music plays, you step onto your teleporter and you’re onto the Grid…lock.

This experience supports up to 8 players, as you place a path before you to build your way to various points around the map. Definitely a very interactive experience that is worth visiting with a bunch of friends, and an incredible feat of scripting.

Day 24: The Escape, by Sergio Delacruz — Best Ambiance

Survive Day 24: The Escape in Sansar

You’ve seen the Shawshank Redemption, and this experience is a legally distinct entity that totally has nothing to do with it.

Sergio once again brings together to light and sound to create an unsettling ambiance that lingers over you as you crawl through the sewers to freedom. Great work.

All of these experiences will be Featured in our Atlas (as well being linked above). So put on your best adventuring outfit and venture forth into a Labyrinth!

If you need of an outfit to wear, feel free to check out our latest Dungeon Adventurer Collection in the store!

To celebrate the conclusion to this contest, we will be “crowning” our winner next Friday in a special event at 11am PDT. Convene at the Leap of Faith experience to witness the crowning ceremony of our Mazemaster, Abramelin Wolfe. Afterwards we will all travel to Mount Shasta and discover the Secrets that lie within.

Congratulations again to all of our winners and a huge thank you once again to everyone who submitted an experience to this contest!




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