How I Gave Life to My Thoughts Through Writing

Sara Irshad
4 min readAug 12, 2023


If you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to spin worlds out of thin air, transform thoughts into tangible emotions, and navigate the labyrinth of your imagination, then welcome to my realm of words and wonders.

I’m here to share with you the journey of a lifetime that began with the simple stroke of a pen and led me to a symphony of stories.

A blank page is like a canvas of possibilities. It’s a pristine white landscape, begging to be colored with the hues of your thoughts. But just like an artist staring at a blank canvas, a writer can sometimes feel the weight of the space before them. Ah, but that’s where the magic begins.

Writing, my dear friend, is a peculiar kind of alchemy. It’s like taking a fistful of stardust from the cosmos of your mind and scattering it across the page. Each word is a spark, each sentence a constellation, and each paragraph a universe waiting to be explored.

The journey of giving life to my thoughts through writing started with this notion: within me, there are galaxies of stories waiting to burst forth.

Initially, I stumbled upon writing like a traveler discovering a hidden path in the woods. It was a refuge, a place where my thoughts found a home, a sanctuary where my emotions discovered their voice.

At times, my sentences were like newborn birds, fragile and unsure, but with time and practice, they grew wings, soared higher, and carried my imagination to places I never thought possible.

But let me tell you, the path wasn’t always strewn with petals of inspiration. Like a sailor battles the unpredictable sea, a writer faces the turbulent tides of writer’s block.

Oh, the dreaded beast that gnaws at your creativity! The more I tried to wrestle with it, the stronger it became. It’s like trying to catch a gust of wind with your bare hands — elusive and slippery.

Overcoming writer’s block taught me a valuable lesson about the ebb and flow of creativity. Sometimes, you need to step back and let your mind wander.

It’s like waiting for rain in a drought; you can’t force the clouds to weep, but you can open your umbrella and dance in the drizzle when it comes. So, I let myself wander through art galleries, listen to street musicians, or watch the sun dip below the horizon.

I realized inspiration is only sometimes found by chasing it; sometimes, you stumble upon it while chasing life.

Ah, and then there’s the art of revision. Imagine sculpting a masterpiece from a block of marble — each tap of the chisel, each brush stroke, hones your creation until it shines with its true brilliance.

In writing, revising is akin to chiseling away the excess, refining your thoughts until they gleam with clarity. It’s like finding the perfect angle to catch the light on a diamond, revealing its facets one by one.

This process taught me patience — the patience to unravel the story like a tapestry, thread by thread until its beauty is fully revealed.

But it’s not just about the craft; it’s also about vulnerability. Sharing your words is like baring your soul to a crowd of strangers. It’s like standing naked beneath the moon, with your fears and dreams exposed.

But isn’t that the essence of authentic connection? When you share your stories, you invite others into the sanctum of your thoughts. You say, “Here, walk with me through the gardens of my mind.”

And the beauty of writing is that it’s not just a one-way street. It’s a conversation, a dance between the author and the reader. Have you ever noticed how a book can transport you to a different time and place, make you laugh, cry, or question your beliefs? It’s like a time machine and a magic carpet rolled into one.

As a writer, you cast a spell, and the reader willingly becomes a part of your enchantment. It’s like sending whispers across the universe, hoping they’ll land on the ears of a kindred spirit.

So, my fellow dreamer, as you stand at the precipice of your writing journey, remember this: you hold a universe of stories, emotions, and dreams within you. You can mold them into words that dance and sentences that sing.

Don’t be afraid to stumble, to wander, and to revise. Embrace vulnerability, for it’s the bridge that connects your heart to the hearts of others. And most importantly, remember that writing isn’t just about putting pen to paper; it’s about breathing life into your thoughts, giving them wings to fly.

As I sit here, penning down these thoughts, I’m reminded of a quote by Ray Bradbury: “You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”

So, my friend, raise your pen like a goblet and let the ink flow like the sweet nectar of imagination. Let your thoughts take flight, and may your writing journey be as enchanting as the stories you create.

Cheers to the magic of writing, where dreams become words, and words become worlds.



Sara Irshad

Writer and content creator, passionate about crafting engaging stories. Helping others succeed in their writing journey with practical advice and creativity.