How to Amend Garden Soil

Sara Rumlow
8 min readMar 12, 2023
Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

The quality of the soil in your garden is essential for growing healthy and vibrant plants. If you’ve noticed that your garden soil is lacking in nutrients or not draining properly, it may be time to amend it. Amending soil involves adding organic matter, such as compost or manure, to improve its structure, texture, and nutrient content. In this way, amending soil can help plants grow stronger and healthier, leading to a more bountiful harvest.

We’ll cover the basics of how to amend garden soil, including when to amend, what materials to use, and how to apply them effectively. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to improving the quality of your soil and growing a thriving garden.

Defining Soil Amendment

Soil amending refers to the process of improving the quality and fertility of soil by adding organic or inorganic materials to it. Over time, soil can become depleted of nutrients, compacted, or have poor drainage, which can hinder plant growth and productivity. Soil amending can help to correct these issues and create a better environment for plants to grow.

Organic amendments, such as compost, manure, and leaf litter, are commonly used to improve soil fertility and structure. These materials break down over time, releasing nutrients into the soil and improving its texture and water-holding capacity…



Sara Rumlow

Aspiring writer and dog mom using sarcasm to cope and writing to escape until I win the lottery and run away or hit it big. Whichever comes first.