The one vital element to thriving as a business owner

Spoiler: it’s not drugs (sorry)

Sarah Adefehinti
4 min readNov 27, 2017
Oh look, it’s a laptop in the woods

I’m building a business from scratch. I’ve been working super hard in the past 6 months, thanks to surges of spring & summer energies and a fantastic peer-led programme called Enrol Yourself.

But now it’s winter & I’m fucking tired.

The light is slowly retracting earlier and my body disagrees with it, confused at the premature darkness.

They say entrepreneurs work on average 60 hours a week — perhaps more if they have another job & have created their business alongside that. Coupling that with the knowledge that most businesses fail within 5 years then, by that logic, I shouldn’t be taking breaks.

But burn out is real & I’m a self-love coach, so that means I should be the first person taking a good ol' rest if my body asks me to, before it forces me to with illness. Leading by example is important — how could I possibly guide my clients to take better care of themselves if I’m not doing that myself?

Compulsory head-in-hands stressed pic

The world around you may tell you there’s no time:

No time to take a break

No time to slow down

No time to eat good meals

No time to sleep for 8 hours

… I’m here to tell you that’s complete bullshit.

We create time for the things which are important to us. We learn to prioritise wisely when everything is asking for our attention. If you’re currently putting your work before your health, shift the focus.

Your work cannot exist without you.

Your business can’t make money without you driving it.

And if you’re bed-bound, or even just feeling a bit off, you can’t run a business effectively.


Rest more like this lil’ dog

You should be your most important priority because you literally can’t do anything without yourself.

So slow down. Take that longer break you’ve been thinking about, stay in bed later or cook yourself that hearty meal. It’s a necessity.

You’re probably thinking “yeah well, it’s easier said than done”.

Well, here’s some practical ways to take better care of yourself:

  • Schedule ‘me time' and leisure time into your diary
    … and stick to it like you would with a business meeting
  • Make yourself accountable
    Find a buddy who cares about your health & tell them when you’re planning on going to the gym, eating a home-cooked meal or whatever it is you need to do. Tell them when you’ve done it. Get them to chase you up if you haven’t.
  • Set alarms
    If you’ve told yourself you’ll stop working at 17:30 on the dot, set an alarm that won’t let you forget it. No snoozing allowed.
  • Take the time to sit down & think about your needs.
    How’s your work/life balance? How would you like it to be? Fill in what’s missing & gently work towards living your ideal. Get support if you need to, whether that’s with a coach, therapist or mentor.
  • Be kind to yourself.
    “Rome wasn’t built in a day” applies to both your business & your life. The biggest step towards having a healthier life is to accept your current position (without berating yourself for it). Use that desire for change to very gently direct yourself towards the healthier life you want & need.
    It can be a slow process, but it’s eased with a big spoonful of self-compassion.

When you’ve rested or slowed down enough, your body will tell you & you’ll be able to channel better, revitalised energy into your business — because your venture can only thrive when you thrive.

I’ve been considerably slowing down since my last workshop in October, as I’ve had quite a lot on my plate and dwindling energy. I tried my best to listen to the ‘no’s of my body, while also accepting the feelings of frustration arising, telling me that maybe I should be doing more work.

You could be like this dude! Jumping in front of a house — what joy!

Honouring myself has been difficult at times but also rewarding, and I can feel the inspiration tiptoeing back in — and that returning energy is what inspired me to write this.

You too can create great work while looking after yourself: you just need to tune into your needs & turn down the pressure. Depending on how you grew up, it can take some time to figure out what it is you need. That’s okay too, and making space for that self-discovery is a great first step (and asking for support with that is totally okay!)

Let your health be your main business. It’s worth it (trust me, I’m a coach).

Sarah Adefehinti is a self-love coach & creator of Loving with the Lights On.
Get in touch if you’d like support & guidance on how to improve your relationship with yourself and others.

Follow Sarah on Twitter & Instagram and the Loving with the Lights On Facebook page

