Dear Whining White Men, Stop Being So Defensive And Check Your Privilege

Sarah Wood
5 min readApr 23, 2018
“A black-and-white shot of a crying man in a suit and tie” by Tom Pumford on Unsplash

When you’ve been at the top for so long, and others start to creep on what you’ve deemed your territory, you will likely get defensive. That seems to be exactly the case as women, people of color and the LGBTQ community gain, or are at least trying to gain, equal footing and parity.

And no, you’re not imagining it, there’s a growing number of white men who are threatened by equity and legitimately feel they are losing out by others receiving the same treatment they’ve always gotten. Some will even go so far as to call it misandry and racism against white men, then form “men’s rights” groups. You know, for all those rights white men don’t already have.

How does the saying go? “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”

Then you have the new wave of philosophers taking advantage of this fragileness of male ego, like clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson. He will flat-out say that there is no such thing as white privilege. He told Joe Rogan:

“I think the idea of white privilege is absolutely reprehensible. And it’s not because white people aren’t privileged. You know, we have all sorts of privileges, and most people have privileges of all sorts, and you should be grateful for your privileges and work to deserve them, I…



Sarah Wood

Writer & Satirist. Creator @FreeWoodPost. Sax Player. Lover of Art. Hiker of trails. Boston fan. Host of @SWvarietyhour — Writer for hire.