Mediocre White Men Who Find Out They’re Nothing Special Aren’t Handling It Very Well

Sarah Wood
4 min readAug 28, 2018
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Imagine getting things your entire life and thinking you earned them, but then you come to find out that the only reason you have them is because of your gender and the color of your skin. Now, of course, there are likely the few men who absolutely deserve to be where they are, but nearly every single white man truly believes they are part of that few. And even when they say they’re not, they still benefit from being white and male.

This is white male privilege.

It has nothing to do with socioeconomic status and everything to do with the systemic rules that have been written for white men by white men and perpetuated by a society that caters to this very thinking, even if only subconsiously. In fact, white men, upon finding out that they may not be as amazing as they previously surmised, feel they deserve to be comforted by the society and people they have been systemicly oppressing throughout their entire life, even if they were unaware they were doing so.

Think about that — to be so priviliged that you don’t even know how good you have it. They literally think they climbed the corporate ladder with only their bachelors degree and job experience as a part time employee at the local electronics store that one summer during college. Meanwhile, Marge…



Sarah Wood

Writer & Satirist. Creator @FreeWoodPost. Sax Player. Lover of Art. Hiker of trails. Boston fan. Host of @SWvarietyhour — Writer for hire.