Nancy Pelosi’s List Of Accomplishments As Speaker Proves She’s The Champion We Still Need

Sarah Wood
3 min readNov 16, 2018
Photo by Gage Skidmore

If there’s one person who loves all this Democratic infighting surrounding who should be the next Speaker of the House, it’s Donald Trump. If we’re tearing down our own, that’s less rage tweeting he feels compelled to do at 3am.

Let’s just say it’s more than concerning that there are Democrats who look at Nancy Pelosi and see anything other than the champion we need right now fighting on our behalf and for the nation as a whole.

Pelosi is smart as a whip, and that is the correct term, because she can whip a vote count into shape faster than you can say Blue Wave. She not only knows what she’s doing, she does it in a way that makes people fight with her and then the votes snowball in. To be blunt — she gets the job done. And she’s definitely a person you want fighting in your corner.

Republicans have been demonizing Pelosi not only because she’s a woman, but because she’s a woman who gets it done, and that’s a combination that keeps the predominately white male population of the House Republicans up at night in their Koch-sponsored onesies.

What has Pelosi done? So glad you asked.

Let’s take a look at her outstanding lists of legislative accomplishments from the last time she was Speaker.



Sarah Wood

Writer & Satirist. Creator @FreeWoodPost. Sax Player. Lover of Art. Hiker of trails. Boston fan. Host of @SWvarietyhour — Writer for hire.