Why should you go for umbilical cord blood Stem Cell banking?

Sara Rajput
2 min readApr 19, 2019


Cord blood banking is about the storing and collecting the blood from the umbilical cord after birth of the baby. Cord blood will contain the blood-forming stem cells and it is definitely beneficial in lots of good ways for the treatment of life-threatening diseases. There are lots of diseases where is stem cell transplant is necessary for the treatment. In this kind of situation, umbilical cord blood Stem Cell banking is definitely a very beneficial option that you should definitely consider as a parent for your baby.

Cord blood is known to have 10 times more stem cells as compared to the cells found in the bone marrow. These stem cells are considered as the younger option and have better ability of regeneration point because of it, you should go for the option of umbilical cord blood stem cell banking like millions of other people.

Advantages of Stem Cell banking:

Every year, more than 30000 people diagnosed with the diseases where stem cell transplant is required for the treatment. 75% of these individuals do not find the matching relative for bone marrow transplant and most of these people are unable to find the matching donor. In this kind of situation, the option of umbilical cord blood stem cell banking will be very beneficial that will provide the stem cells in the case of treatment of these diseases where the transplant is required.

When you are going for a cord blood transplant procedure for the treatment of these diseases, you will find it very reliable and painless treatment procedure. You will find this procedure completely safe and non-invasive as compared to the bone marrow procedure. There is no risk of the teratoma formation while going for this treatment procedure. It is also referred because of the low risk of graft vs host diseases. These diseases are considered as very fatal in the case of about 40% of patients.

There is a big need of umbilical cord stem cell and you should definitely consider it for your born baby. You will find different types of banks for the storing of cord blood. You just need to search for the right place where they can provide excellent facilities for it. It will be good in to make research online to find out the nearest bank and you can get additional details about the charges for it. After that, it can work very beneficially in the cases of several diseases.



Sara Rajput

I am Sara Rajput from Delhi, India. My primary area of interest is #stemcellbanking and various other #medicalservices related to them.