Difference Between OOP and POP

Sarthak Kochhar
3 min readMar 27, 2023


As the world of software development evolves, it’s important to understand the Difference Between Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Procedural Oriented Programming (POP). OOP is an approach that applies object based concepts when creating computer programs and designs. POP, on the other hand, is a way of coding computer programs linearly.

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming language and coding style used to create software applications. It is designed to encourage modular development, where engineers can easily change, add, or delete certain code, allowing for quicker and more efficient development. OOP uses classes to describe objects and their behaviour. These classes are based on real-world objects and the relationships between them.

The advantages of using OOP are clear it allows developers greater flexibility when creating applications as they can easily change or add features and modify existing features quickly without needing to reprogram entire sections of code from scratch. Additionally, it increases code readability and helps guide teams of developers when working on projects as everyone has a better understanding of how certain parts fit together due to the structure imposed by classes.

Procedural Oriented Programming (POP)

POP is a type of computer programming that is based on the sequence of processes and the linear execution of instructions. It’s composed of subroutines and procedures that are designed to accomplish specific tasks. Its primary focus is on functions and subroutines workflow rather than data or attributes. As a result, POP code often needs to be rewritten when changes are made.

Key Differences

The most basic distinction between OOP and POP is their structure. OOP focuses on creating objects, which have attributes and methods, while POP is focused on procedurally performing actions. POP emphasizes the sequence of instructions, while OOP focuses on grouping related data as objects.

In OOP, abstraction is used to hide the internal details of an object’s implementation. Abstraction enables the programmer to work at a higher level of detail without worrying about the low-level details of the object’s implementation. On the other hand, POP does not use abstraction and concerns itself with only what needs to be done for an action or procedure to complete successfully.

Encapsulation lets you combine data and functions into one unit or “object”. In OOP, encapsulation limits access to certain parts of an object when needed or desired by hiding them from external use or manipulation outside of their intended purpose. On the other hand, POP does not use encapsulation techniques since it does not group related functions into one single unit or “object”.

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Polymorphism is strong in OOP because it allows different objects to respond differently to identical inputs without having to explicitly define how each object should respond separately within its codebase. POP does not have this capability because it relies heavily on explicit instructions within each procedure instead of relying on generic principles like polymorphism.

