Satea Guide For 0G Node Deployment

6 min readMay 13, 2024


0G is the first data availability system with a built-in general purpose storage tier that is super-scalable and decentralized. 0G’s scalability relies on dividing data availability into publish and store channels.

The project team recently raised up to $35 million from top ventures such as Animoca, Delphi and OKX. This significant funding will provide strong support for the development and rollout of the 0G project, enabling it to take off quickly.

The 0G mainnet is scheduled to go live in Q2-Q3 of 2024. In this paper, we will guide the construction of 0G testnet validator nodes to obtain higher potential airdrop.

Official Recommended Hardware Requirements

  • Storage: At least 8 GB RAM
  • CPU: At least 4 cores
  • Disk: At least 500 GB NVME SSDs
  • Bandwidth: at least 100 mbps

0G Validator Node Deployment Guide

The following demos are all on Ubuntu

🤖️Server Time Zone Setting

Ensure that the server time zone is set to UTC time zone. Incorrect settings may cause the node to crash. The current time zone setting can be checked by executing the command timedatectl.

Local Time: Displays the current system time.
Time zone: Displays the current time zone setting (e.g. UTC).
RTC in local TZ: Indicates whether the hardware clock is set using the local time zone.
If you find that the time zone of the server is not UTC, you can set it to UTC with the following command:

sudo timedatectl set-timezone UTC

🤖️Node Install

Install evmosd via the command line (CLI) (the official codebase has now been removed)

Clone the testnet version of the evmosd repository locally:
Install evmosd locally by executing the following commands in turn

chmod +x ./evmosd
mv ./evmosd /usr/local/bin/
evmosd version

🤖️Setting the chain ID

evmosd config chain-id zgtendermint_9000-1

🤖️Initialize Nodes

Use the following commands to initialize the node and create the authenticator and node configuration files:

evmosd init <your_validator_name> --chain-id zgtendermint_9000-1

<your_validator_name> Change to the name of the validator you want to create.

🤖️Environment Settings

Copy the Genesis File Genesis.json

Run the following command to copy the official Genesis file, genesis.json, to the configuration directory:

wget -O $HOME/.evmosd/config/genesis.json

Run the following command to verify that the Genesis configuration file is correct.

evmosd validate-genesis

🤖️Launch the Testnet

Starts the node and synchronizes to the latest block height. Synchronization may take longer the first time it is started.

evmosd start

As shown in the figure and is being synchronized blocks, need to be synchronized to the latest block height in order to create the validator node.

🤖️Create the Wallet

Create a new wallet.

evmosd keys add <key_name>

Change <key_name> to the name of the wallet you want to create, after that you will be asked to set a password, which is not visible when you enter it, and after you enter it twice, you will be presented with the address of the generated wallet and the public key, the mnemonic, and this important information must be saved.

🤖️Get Your ETH Address

To get an ETh address that starts with 0x, you can use the following two methods:

evmosd keys unsafe-export-eth-key <key_name>
  1. <key_name> change to your own wallet name, prompted to enter y, enter the wallet password, you can get the wallet key, and then import the key into the Metamask wallet to get the ETH address.

2. Change the evmos wallet address to the evmos address you created by entering the following command

evmosd debug addr evmos address

The third party in the returned result is the corresponding ETH address

🤖️Claim the Testnet Faucet

You can collect faucet from the official website after you get the ETH address, only 0.1 can be collected in 24 hours.

🤖️Create the Validator Nodes

Enter the following command to query the block height of the current block synchronization and synchronize to the latest height when the status of catching_up becomes false

evmosd status | jq .SyncInfo

🤖️Launch the Validator Nodes

Validators can only be created after some testnet faucets have been acquired and synchronized to the latest block:

evmosd tx staking create-validator \
--amount=1000000000000000aevmos \
--pubkey=$(evmosd tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker="<your_validator_name>" \
--chain-id=zgtendermint_9000-1 \
--commission-rate=0.05 \
--commission-max-rate=0.10 \
--commission-max-change-rate=0.01 \
--min-self-delegation=1 \
--from=<key_name> \
--identity="" \
--website="" \
--details="" \
--gas=500000 \
--gas-prices=99999aevmos \

<your_validator_name> Change to your validator name
<key_name> Change to wallet name
— website= You can fill in the website link, leave it blank.
— details= node description, leave it blank

🤖️Stake to Your Own Validator Nodes

evmosd tx staking delegate $(evmosd keys show your wallet name --bech val -a)staking amount evmos --from  your wallet amount  --gas=500000 --gas-prices=99999aevmos -y

🤖️Unjail Command

If your validator node is incarcerated, use the following command to release it, the hash value appears and indicates release from jail:

evmosd tx slashing unjail --from <key_name> --gas=500000 --gas-prices=99999aevmos -y

<key_name> change to your own wallet name

🤖️Check Your Node Status

Check node status:

About Satea

Satea is an industry-leading DePIN and decentralized public chain node aggregator. We assist customers in completing the official application for validator nodes, and facilitate test token staking and server hosting operations with a single click, thereby lowering the barrier to participation in Web3. Satea is especially suitable for users with limited hardware resources, technical skills, or those who wish to deploy nodes quickly and in large volumes. Satea has now launched a one-click deployment service for GaiaNet ( A limited number of slots are available.

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