How to use Module Scripts in Roblox(A Beginners Guide)

8 min readJul 25, 2024


Roblox scripting gives an exciting gateway into game development, providing creators with a platform to bring their imaginative ideas to life. One crucial skill for any developer, regardless of their field, is writing reusable code. Reusable code not only saves time in the long run but also makes projects more efficient and easier to maintain. In this guide, you will learn the essentials of Roblox Module Scripts, a powerful tool that helps you create reusable and efficient code. By the end of this article, hopefully, you will understand how Module Scripts work and be able to incorporate them into your own projects. This guide is tailored for beginners who already have a basic understanding of Roblox scripting and are eager to elevate their coding practices.

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

What are Module Scripts?

During the beginning of my internship, I was tasked with creating a shop in Roblox. As a beginner developer, I immediately started brute-forcing the solution. For example, I held all images in a table alongside all my GUI elements. All my shop pages were in the same script, which resulted in a large, unwieldy codebase. If one thing went wrong, debugging became a nightmare. That’s when my boss introduced me to Module Scripts, which allowed me to make my code more concise and reusable. Below, I will define what Module Scripts are, how they differ from regular scripts, and their purpose in depth.


When you look up the definition of a ModuleScript in the Roblox documentation, you are greeted with a not-so-friendly five-paragraph definition. But let me simplify it for you.

Module Scripts in Roblox are a type of Lua script that allows developers to define reusable pieces of code. Unlike regular scripts, which execute their code immediately upon running, Module Scripts return values or functions that other scripts can require and use. This modular approach helps in organizing code more efficiently and maintaining a clean project structure. In essence, a Module Script is a way to encapsulate functionality, making it easy to share and reuse code across different parts of your game.

How They Differ from Regular Scripts

  • Execution: Regular scripts execute their code as soon as the game runs. In contrast, Module Scripts only execute when they are explicitly required by another script.
  • Return Values: Module Scripts typically return a table containing functions, variables, or data. These can then be accessed by any script that requires the Module Script.
  • Reusability: Module Scripts are designed to be reused across different scripts and parts of your game, promoting a DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) coding practice.

Benefits of Using Module Scripts

  1. Code Organization: Module Scripts allow you to organize your code into logical, manageable chunks. This makes it easier to maintain and understand, especially as your project grows.
  2. Reusability: By encapsulating common functionality into Module Scripts, you can easily reuse code across different scripts and parts of your game. This reduces duplication and makes updates simpler.
  3. Maintainability: When you need to update or fix a piece of functionality, you can do so in one place — the Module Script. All scripts requiring this module will automatically use the updated code.
  4. Encapsulation: Module Scripts help encapsulate functionality, keeping your global namespace clean and reducing the risk of variable conflicts.
  5. Efficiency: Module Scripts load only when needed and can be cached, improving the efficiency of your game.

By integrating Module Scripts into your development workflow, you can enhance your project’s scalability, maintainability, and efficiency. Whether you are building small features or large systems, understanding and utilizing Module Scripts is a crucial step towards writing better, more professional Roblox code.

If you’re still unsure about encapsulation, think of a module script as a container for code within a function, which you return at the end of the module script. When you call the module script, it executes the function you’ve defined. And if your still confused mabye an example will serve you better.

Creating a Module Script

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open Roblox Studio
  2. Insert a new ModuleScript in ReplicatedStorage(You should place your module scripts in ReplicatedStorage to ensure they are accessible by both the server and clients.)
  3. Rename the module script(For this example I will be using MyModule)


Basic Structure

local MyModule = {}
function MyModule.hello()
print("Hello, World!")

return MyModule


  • The Table “MyModule”: The table holds functions and variables that you want to share with other scripts, keeping your code organized and contained.
  • Functions Defined Within the Table: For example, MyModule.hello() is a function defined within the MyModule table. It encapsulates the logic that will be executed when the function is called, in this case, printing "Hello, World!" to the output.
  • Returning the Table: At the end of the script, the table MyModule is returned. This makes the table and its contents available to any script that requires this module, allowing them to access the functions and variables defined within it.

Using a Module Script

Step-by-Step Guide

To load a Module Script in Roblox, you need to insert a regular Script into the workspace and use the require function. Here’s a step-by-step guide to achieve this:

  1. Insert a local script in StarterPlayerScripts(which i lowcated as a child of StarterPlayer
  2. In the newly created Script, use the require function to load the Module Script. Ensure that the Module Script is placed in Replicated to make sure the Script can access it.
  3. Name the Script(For this example I will name it TestScript)

Example Usage

local MyModule = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("MyModule"))



  • Require Function: The require function in Roblox is used to load a Module Script and access its contents by referencing the Module Script in the ReplicatedStorage service. This function retrieves the module and returns its table, allowing access to its functions and variables.
  • Once the Module Script is loaded, you can call its functions using the syntax moduleName.functionName() .This approach allows you to use the code more efficiently by defining functions in module scripts and loading them into other scripts only when needed.
  • In this example, we loaded the module we made named MyModule from ReplicatedStorage and called its hello function. This executed the code within that function, demonstrating how Module Scripts can help us be more efficient.

Advance Usage

Module scripts in Roblox are incredibly versatile. While they are often used to store reusable functions, another powerful use case is to store and manage data. This approach can simplify your code, enhance maintainability, and improve organization. Here’s how you can leverage module scripts for data storage in your Roblox projects.

In your module script (you can use the same one as the previous examples or create a new one in ReplicatedStorage), input this code:

local MyModule = {} = {name = "Roblox", versions = 1.0}

function MyModule.getData()

return MyModule


  • Module Initialization: This code defines a table named MyModule, which acts as a module. It initializes a data table within MyModule, that contains a name data point and a version data point. Name being ‘Roblox’ and version being 1.0.
  • Function Definition: The module includes a function called getData, which returns the data table from MyModule. This function gives us access to the module's data from outside the module.
  • Module Export: The code ends with return MyModule, allowing the module to be used in other parts of the program. This makes the functions and data defined in MyModule accessible in other code as long as its required.

Example of Usage

Now, I’ll demonstrate how to use the data from the above script in code outside the module script.


local MyModule = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MyModule)
local data =
print(data.versions) -- Output: Roblox and 1
  • Module Loading: The script loads a module named MyModule from the ReplicatedStorage service in Roblox. This is done using the require function, which fetches and executes the module's code.
  • Data Access: After loading the module, the script accesses a property called data within MyModule. This property contains information from the table we made in the module script.
  • Data Output: The script prints two properties of the data table: name and versions. This allows the us to view these values in the output

Although I may be repeating myself, it’s important to emphasize this point. You define a table in a module script and then require it to use in your local script. Simple, right? Great, because there are many more things you can do with a module script that will enhance your scripting journey. For instance, you might create math utility functions such as add, subtract, and multiply, or string manipulation functions like capitalize, reverse, and trim. Once defined, these functions can be required in any script where you need them, ensuring consistency and reducing the likelihood of errors. But creating these function is beyond the scope of this article. So do feel free to do your own reasearch on them or look for another article of mine.

Extra Info/ Tips

Below is some extra info and some tips to keep in mind while using a module script.

Best Practices

When working with Module Scripts in Roblox, it’s essential to adhere to best practices for optimal organization and maintainability. First, keep your Module Scripts well-organized by placing them in a dedicated folder, such as ReplicatedStorage(Reading metioned near the begining of the article). This not only helps in managing scripts efficiently but also makes it easier to locate and update them when needed. Next, employ clear and descriptive naming conventions for both your Module Scripts and their functions. This practice enhances code readability and simplifies debugging by ensuring that names accurately reflect the functionality of the code. Finally, document your code thoroughly by adding comments that explain the purpose of functions and variables. This documentation serves as a valuable reference for anyone reviewing or modifying the code in the future, promoting better understanding and collaboration.

Common Pitfalls

When developing with Module Scripts in Roblox, it’s crucial to be aware of common pitfalls to ensure smooth and error-free code. One significant issue to avoid is circular dependencies, where one Module Script requires another that, in turn, requires the original script. This can lead to infinite loops and unpredictable behavior, complicating debugging and maintenance. Also, be cautious with global state by minimizing the use of global variables. Over-reliance on global variables can result in conflicts and unintended side effects, making your code harder to manage and more prone to bugs. By addressing these pitfalls, you can maintain cleaner, more reliable, and more manageable code.


In conclusion, I hope through this article you have learned how to use a basic and complex module script. Although they may seem difficult to use I promise you as your code base gets bigger and the data and the more code lines you need for a project the more useful module scripts become. As you continue to develop your Roblox projects, I encourage you to experiment with Module Scripts to fully leverage their potential. For further exploration of the subject, I recommend you check out the Roblox Documentation as well as some videos I have linked below. Thank you for reading and happy scripting.

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Student, Aspiring Engineer, Likes to write, Willing to learn