SatoshiCity’s first Official Audit has been Completed

Satoshi City
2 min readDec 14, 2021


We are pleased to announce that Satoshi City has completed its first official smart contract audit with Nonceaudits that focuses on the overall security of the $CITY token contract.

With the help of the Nonceblox team, a meticulous analysis of the program design was conducted to ensure the rationality, structure, and safe use of contracts and libraries. It was followed by an extensive line-by-line inspection to guarantee race conditions, transaction-ordering and timestamp dependence, and DoS attacks.

Audit Goals

The audit emphasized the verification of the security, resilience, and working of the Smart Contract System as per the specifications.

Every issue to be found was classified under a severity level.

  • High-Level Severity Issues (Critical)
  • Medium Level Severity Issues (Potential troublesome)
  • Low-level Severity Issues (Minor issues, not causing any dysfunction).

The main goal of the audit was to ensure:

  1. Security (Identify security-related vulnerabilities and analyze the on-chain data)
  2. Sound Architecture (Ensure and evaluate the structure through lenses)
  3. Accuracy and quality of the code. (Correctness, readability, and code complexity)

Auditing Process

Manual Audit was performed by our developers as they examined /read the code line-by-line. They also used Remix IDE’s JavaScript VM to test the contract functionality, but no discrepancies were found at any level.

Other tools used for the Automated Audit were

  • Solhint Linting, an open-source project for linting solidity code — Found no violations in the source code.
  • Mythril, a security analysis tool for EVM bytecode — Did not detect any issues.
  • Slither, an open-source static analysis framework — Did not detect any high or medium-level issue.

Outline of the Audit

The audit was conducted with utmost prudence with the support and supervision of experienced developers and analysts from NonceBlox. The source code is reliable and maintainable with effective use of abstraction and modularity.

We welcome you to become a part of SatoshiCity!!

About SatoshiCity

SatoshiCity is a platform where users can buy, sell, rent, collect, and curate pieces of virtual land in the form of non-fungible tokens. Users will be able to upgrade their land on multiple levels by staking $CITY tokens. $CITY tokens are used as a native currency for the platform. This token will operate on the BSC Network and will be crucial in the core functions like the purchase of goods and services, staking for additional discounts, rewards distribution for liquidity providers, and Governance.

Social Media Channels:

Website | Twitter | Telegram Announcement Channel | Telegram Official Group

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Satoshi City

A virtual world where users can buy, sell, rent, collect, and curate pieces of virtual land in the form of NFT.