Nát-Michael Limón
3 min readFeb 10, 2023


Nate, Ana, Faith (left to right) you can see the stress programmed in our faces

Mama, can you hear me?

Mama, your eyes are swollen

Mama, your eyes are wet

Mama, your eyes are hollow

Mama, your eyes are carrying

Mama, why are your eyes black

Did you paint them that color?

Is that why you're always in your bedroom. Always in front of the mirror?

Mama, why do you cry every Saturday morning?

I can hear you as I eat my bowl of cow sugar water. Mama come out of your room and watch cartoons with me. Please, they only play on Saturday mornings.

Mama, I was trying to make breakfast for you and my sisters, before church. The chair broke and Faith burnt her hand.

Mama, I’m sorry, no no, please mommy don’t hit me. I just wanted to help you. No. MOM STOP. please that hurts. Why do you hit me when you're mad. You didn’t like when he would hit you.

Mama, my teacher is mad I was late again to school She said, “one more time and I’m going to tell the cops to arrest your mom. You and your sisters can go live with your dads.”

Mama, all the kids are making fun of me cuz I can’t ride a bike. “How you 7 and can’t ride a bike?”

“Please mommy can I have a bike? Please Mama pleeeeeassse?? I’ve been a good boy. I changed ana’s diapers and I make her her bottle like you showed me so you don’t have to worry. Please Mama, I’ve been a good you haven’t yelled at me in a long time.”

Mama, don’t send me to my dad’s house

Please all he do is bees mean to me. Mean to me. He hits me hard with his belt. No Mama please I’m sorry for not pouring your drink right. I’m sorry that the bubbles shook out. My arms are so thin and skinny I can’t carry/hold the 2 liters. It's too heavy

Mama, why do we have so many bills?

Can’t you talk to my dad’s brother?

He owns this apartment building. He is over every Wednesday night. I’m sure if you ask he will let us stay for free. He is nicer than my dad.

Mama, why can’t I play with the other boys who look like me? Is it cuz I’m more paler than them? They look like all your friends in the photobook you hide under bed. The friends you had when you lived in Texas. You all wore the same clothes and made funny shapes with your hands.

Mama, can that man who looks like grandpa buy me a Gameboy for my birthday? Please, I’m gon’ be 8.

Mama, I want to be as smart as you when I grow up. I’m really good at math. 24–7=17. That’s how old you were when you and my dad had me.

Mama, can we go back and live with grandpa and grandma? They are nice to me. I don’t understand how they are mean to you.



Nát-Michael Limón

B&R Californian based in The City 🌉 Here to publish my back catalog. I intellectualize my emotions and delegate you the regulations