MCWC Statement in Enbridge’s Line 5


Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation stands behind Governor
Whitmer and Attorney General Nessel as they exercise their legal right and
responsibility to shut down Line 5 before a catastrophic oil spill in the
Straits. After years of easement violations by Enbridge and massive public
outcry to protect the Great Lakes, it is shocking that a Canadian
corporation announces it will not follow, and is basically declaring itself
above, the law.

Enbridge has whipped up hysteria in Canada about the potential loss of
jobs from moving tar sands oil across the continent, but has no concern
for the massive disruption to jobs and livelihood that would result
throughout the Great Lakes from a spill. Many more jobs would be created
from conversion to clean energy infrastructure across the continent than a
continuation of dangerous pipelines and burning of fossil fuels.
Let us hope the lawlessness that is permeating our country these days is
not allowed to continue with the kind of outrageous corporate behavior
Enbridge promises.

MCWC Board of Directors

Originally published at Save Michigan Water.



Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation

a grassroots, non-profit, all-volunteer organization. We are dedicated to the conservation of water into the seventh generation and beyond.