4 Simple Ways to Give Back on #GivingTuesday

Save the Children
3 min readNov 16, 2016


#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving that takes place each year. Following Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday offers us a chance to kick off the charitable season and get in the spirit of generosity.

Fueled by the power of social media and collaboration, we’re asking you to get involved throughout the month of November and tell your online communities how you are giving back to kids. By choosing to support Save the Children on #GivingTuesday, you can help us reach even more girls and boys in the United States and all around the world.

1. Give a one-time donation.

It’s never too late to help children around the world to survive and thrive, but time is running out to make the strongest impact. Give before December 31st and your donation is 100% tax deductible for 2016. Right now, your one-time donation will be matched dollar for dollar up to $2 million. There has never been a better time to show your support for children!

2. Want to do even more?

We’re committed to doing whatever it takes to save every last child — and we need your help to make this happen. The unwavering support of our monthly donors enables us be there for children every day and in times of crisis. Become a Partner for Children and help us transform lives by setting up a monthly donation.

3. Give a Meaningful Gift that Gives Back

Imagine if you had the opportunity to send a girl to school, provide an essentials kit to a refugee child, or help a family in need with life-saving livestock? Thanks to our Gifts of Joy holiday catalog, you can. There are gifts at all price ranges, fit for everyone on your holiday list. Right now, our corporate partner Johnson & Johnson will match your gift up to $450,000.

4. Sponsor a Child

Every child deserves a strong start — the best chance for a successful future. But too many children right here in the U.S. and around the world aren’t getting the opportunity to reach their full potential. You can help change that. If you sponsor a child, then you’ll give them the gift of a brighter future.

Your sponsorship helps provide children with the necessities for a healthy and successful start to their life — nutrition, early childhood and adolescent development, education and school health.

Your generosity also lifts entire communities. Our programs reach children’s parents, caregivers and community members. Together we help save children’s lives, protect them from exploitation and provide them with hope for the future.

Whatever way you choose to give back this holiday season, we thank you for your support of our mission and wish you peace and joy now and in the new year. Thanks to you, we are able to reach more children than ever before and will continue to be there for #EveryLastChild.



Save the Children

We invest in childhood–every day, in times of crisis & for our future. We give children a healthy start, the opportunity to learn & protection from harm.