An Open Letter to The Person I Dream of

Savipra Gorospe
2 min readAug 17, 2014


Dear You,

I never thought of dreams can be a sweet kind of torment. Truth be told, I enjoy every moment of dreaming about you. I find euphoria within the continuous spiral of sleeps and dreams.

I do dream of you — constantly.

It was once said, that a recurring dream about a person means one of two things: either the person is being missed or the subconscious thinks about the person. Either way, it is an inescapable idea of being drawn to you.

Do you dream of me too? That for some random-esque chance, we meet together in the oddest of places we can rendezvous? Do you dream the dream that I find comforting, but turns into longing when I become awake?

I stand in the realization that dreams of longing have the potential to become the sweetest torment. I miss you when I’m awake, and I miss you when I’m asleep. Those fleeting moments of conversing with you, made me realize, all those that are transient, we come to treasure the most.

My mind, my subconscious, keeps teasing me of you. A conjuration of your image, an actual memory of you. Oh, this reality, a reality you are inevitable. Eyes wide open and eyes wide shut, for all the ways I try to look, I’m always stuck in a rut.

You are the one I pray for, the one I keep longing for. You have become a part of me, in my synapses created linkages of your memory.

“I wish that I don’t only dream of you, but also build dreams with you.”

With optimism,
Savipra A.D. Gorospe



Savipra Gorospe

Autodidact, hypnotherapist, and growth mindset advocate. At my highest value, I deliver Mind-Bending Insights. Empowering the world, one mindset at a time.