PinnedCharacter: A supreme pillar in our personality.Indeed, character is one of the great pillars in our personality. Beneath lie our values, principles, and actions. This has been the…Dec 2, 202459Dec 2, 202459
PinnedHUMAN PSYCHOLOGYHuman psychology, or the science of human behaviors, mental processes, and experiences, encompasses a huge and convoluted array of…Nov 30, 202459Nov 30, 202459
PinnedMy first experience in chemistry LabThis was the first time I entered a chemistry lab; the experience was memorable and thrilling, leaving an impression on my perception of…Nov 28, 202461Nov 28, 202461
Pinned“Be Able Not Successful.”This is a contradictory phenomenon in that people are failures despite their capability. Great numbers have all the required skill…Nov 23, 202460Nov 23, 202460
PinnedExperiment: A Valuable & great Teacher.It is what experimentation does: gives a thousand good lessons, carves understanding, and smooths those skills that allow both personal and…Nov 22, 202478Nov 22, 202478
85% Attitude+10% Planning+5 % Discipline = SuccessBut according to leading motivational speaker and best-selling author Brian Tracy, success may be deep in attaining the formula "85%…Nov 27, 202461Nov 27, 202461
“Actions Speak louder than words.”After all, it is what has been said: actions speak louder than words underlining tangible actions against empty words, hollow declarations…Nov 26, 202466Nov 26, 202466
Perfectionism: A risk factor for depression.It is an insidiously pervasive factor in the risk for depression, silently influencing a person's psyche and wielding its impact in many…Nov 25, 202462Nov 25, 202462
Vision: A bridge between effort & Destination.It links, therefore, struggles and destinies. A dream would serve as a strong catalyst that would turn struggle into opportunity…Nov 24, 202467Nov 24, 202467
Imagination drives 75% of Innovation.And estimates have it that 75% of all innovation is guided by imagination—a statistic that, if nothing else, underlines how creative…Nov 21, 202463Nov 21, 202463