Drabble Travel Blog: Day 13

The Penises point to FUN!

Jonathon Sawyer
2 min readMay 30, 2023
Pompeii | Photo by Author

This travel blog will be released as a series of Drabbles, stories of exactly 100 words, not including titles and CTAs.

Getting all prepared for a day trip to Pompeii!

Celebrated with a documentary while soaking in the tub with Diana.

Double dose of pain killers.

Arrive at Pompeii after an amusing train ride with smelly riders and an overly enthusiastic busker with guitar and accordion accompaniment.

Phallic images everywhere! | Photo by Author

Pay for the guided tour! Expensive but worth it! No way would we have seen and learned more by ourselves.

Ancient pedestrian crossing! | Photo by Author

After two hours of walking and interacting with "wildlife", we reach the conclusion of our day trip. 10/10: highly recommend!

First feline we found in Pompeii was much friendlier. This one guarding the exit was checking we didn’t steal anything | Photo by Author



Jonathon Sawyer

I’m a Canadian writer of short stories; a poet of dubious repute. I experiment with interesting concepts and styles, which is why I head TKL's Monday Mash-Ups