Faydundia in Flames Ep 36

Session Thirty-six “Objects in rear may seem larger than they appear”

Jonathon Sawyer
2 min readJun 3, 2022

Record-keeper: Primo

Photo by Alberico Bartoccini on Unsplash

Purple Door!

We go in

There are bodies of slain elves and fairies everywhere. Some are ancient while others are very recent. The stench of decay and rot is unbearable.

This cavern holds several chambers, all full of corpses of varying “freshness”. In the last room are two fairy clerics — Ayah and Galen, who attack us by diving from above!

Lady Ayah speaks:

“We are Ayah and Galen. Where once we sang the hymns of our false gods we now remain in obeisance to our new, true master. He has been unjustly bound and entombed by the False Ones and he shall make them pay. All who refuse to shed their ignorance must die.”

They were clerics of Tyr and Kronus who were corrupted by the Shadow Master

We beat them to a pulp. Ayah begs us for forgiveness as she dies.

She also warns us that the Shadow Master is too powerful, and we need to return when we are stronger in order to…



Jonathon Sawyer

I’m a Canadian writer of short stories; a poet of dubious repute. I experiment with interesting concepts and styles, which is why I head TKL's Monday Mash-Ups