Welcome to the 4th Reich or FAANG Reich

Saxxon Creative
5 min readMay 7, 2018


FAANG the stock leviathan of control


Now this is a time to remember in that the most powerful companies on earth collectively have more wealth than most nations combined.

So why would I compare FAANG companies to the 3rd Reich of Nazi Germany.

Answer: It has similar ideological control over mass audience that relates to Threat and Reward managment in society.

A dangerous precedent when this has a uniting ideology of complete control over the worlds money and products. Therefore it controls the mass of society living in the fear of uncertainty.

Inverted totalitarianism is a term coined by political philosopher Sheldon Wolin in 2003 to describe the emerging form of government of the United States. Wolin analysed the US as increasingly turning into a managed democracy (similar to an illiberal democracy.

Just an idea that “Managed Democracy” sounds like what China has…

Now as most Totalitarian states would have you see them as people dressed in drab uniforms and posters giving cult of personality. The ($)4th Reich is not attached to traditional forms of belief or Demagogue. The new control is set about by Media, Products and Feeds. How to get an individual to become associated to the ideology with the idea in there personality that they are individual. The mass of consumerism has reached more than tipping point. And the “Time bending.” employed by the mass Media over-reach of News and tragic events. These rise in the mass mourning of society to find collectivity. It employs the Holocaust ideology of un-answerability to any questions or solutions.

The tragedy always outweighs accountability or questions raised.

In the face of a vast number of small tragedies. Mass shootings and economic rifts and various enemies created across the globe. The mass employment has everyone label reading the shared impact. Any form of rational discourse or solutions are quickly showered by the media arguments that employ ‘Us versus them.’

While Freedom and democracy are just overused terms.

Both have no way of introducing people to any empowerment. Yet people march, and expect that a control system will be able to match the need to enforce any real change to equality.

FAANG is a perfect example something of a Leviathan of Corporations with no oversight. No visible Leader. No electoral system for the public to correspond with the moral or economic visions of these companies. They also control language so that is the give away.

When a person was asked what would you do if you were king of the world.

His answer was “Write the dictionary.”

Owning the power of language is the first dictatorial aspect of owning a greater number of people and keeping them in lock step.

People just expect that the companies are rationally providing what the people want.

The fact is the exact opposite.

The Corporate culture is guiding the rationality of people to a collective that can not find true individual conversation with what is happening to the planet or the way its run.

Now there is no way to say anything bad about these companies or if they have a collective dream other than profit and new products. Its just interesting that there is always a bigger threat available when these companies are found to be doing the most immoral and un-democratic behaviours.

Once a person arrives at the point of proof a Tragedy then instantaniously a Threat appears as if cued by some overall director.

Like the movie ‘Wag the Dog’ All the characters are willing actors and directors of a War to keep the public happy.

In the speculation that this article proposes is that FAANG will become a rising economic form of coin, or cashless group of companies that work on some kind of Blockchain exchange system.

The inharmonious variation of being that is best described in the song

Slave to the Company store

Song: The Company Store
Lyrics: Isaac Hanna

The lot of the miner,
At best is quite hard,
We work for good money,
Get paid with a card;
We sarcely can live,
And not a cent more,
Since we’re paid off in checks
On the company store.

Those great coal monopolies
Are growing apace,
They are making their millions
By grinding our face;
Unto their high prices
The people pay toll,
While they pay fifty cents
For mining their coal.

They keep cutting our wages
Time after time,
Where we once had a dollar,
We now have a dime;
While our souls are near famished,
And our bodies are sore,
We are paid off in checks,
On the company store.

Though hard we may labor
But little we have;
We are robbed of our rights,
Though we fought for the slave.
Monop’ly keeps grasping
For more and still more;
They will soon own the earth,
Through the company store.

We sign then a contract
As agreed between men,
Though it holds us like slaves,
It never hold them;
And when they’ve exhausted
The old contract score,
They capped the climax
With the company store.

The old pirates and brigands
Who fought hand to hand,
Who would scuttle a ship,
Or pillage the land,
Have formed a collusion
And all come on shore,
And now ply their trade
Through the company store.

But when those old worthies
Are called to their doom,
I think honest business
Will enjoy a great boom;
And when they are finally
Called from our shore,
I hope they’ll take with them
The company store.

I am unsure if it will get to the point of having the entire world on the Card to the FAANG store but as you can find in the way the world is going. There is definitely a control set to manage 7 billion in some way. And FAANG is an example of the rise of a new form of control. Be it for the good or bad elements of society…. That is for anyone to speculate. Its just interesting to delve into history to see the possibility of what we may encounter as a quickly developing technologically dependant society.

Any form of emancipation from the compliance to corporate and Government marriage, could definitely be a return to nature and its laws rather than those of a predictable experiment based on artificiality.

