The journalism India needs v/s the journalism it currently has.

Sayan Bandyopadhyay
3 min readJul 28, 2021


by Sayan Bandyopadhyay

Note: This is not a hate post. This is just a neutral, unbiased blog written purely for reading and knowledge purposes. Kindly do not take it in a bad way.

The preamble of India gives us the Freedom of Speech and Right to Information. Journalism is what gives us both. In a common man’s word, journalist is a person who shows the Truth to the whole world. A journalist is someone who is a living example of the Freedom of speech as the journalist says anything and everything he or she needs to say in order to provide the truth. Also, The journalist is the person who fulfills the Right to Information for the public as he/she is the one who reaches the Information, News to us.

Cartoon by Jeff Koterba

So as the topic suggests, we will be discussing about two points today. One will be about Journalism which India has or practices and Journalism which India actually needs. There is a Bonus topic discussion. Stay tuned to read about it too!

There are many plus points about The Indian Journalism but also many negative points too.

India is a country of diversity. What India needs is a journalism which is

  1. Secular
    India is a country with multiple religions. So the journalism should impartially get the information and news to the public, without being biased towards one particular religion,
  2. Impartial towards Gender
    Gender equality has always been one of the important point. Journalism should neither be feminist nor male oriented. They should always see the news as a third neutral person and should never represent the news as a female or a male.
  3. Politically Unbiased
    This is one of the most important points. There are a multiple number of parties and most of them are financially powerful. But no money should have the power to buy journalism. They should always deliver the unbiased information, instead of information favoring a single party.
  4. Impartial to both rich and poor
    It is a common psychology in humans to ignore the poor and powerless and to butter The rich and powerful. Journalism should never support that. Journalism is same for everyone, being a poor or a rich.
  5. Honest about the news and information
    No information or news should be audited before getting released and the whole truth should be shown to people as it is and not after decorations and biasing.
Cartoon by Michelle Phillips

Most of the time people read newspapers or see the news, we see that most of the time they take sides and talk in a biased way. The only way common people gets the information are via journalists.

Nowadays there are hardly any Journalists who aren’t biased in one or other way. So what India needs now is is a Journalism which follows the above 5 points.

We all know that a Utopian world isn’t real but what the common people needs to know is all the truths about this imperfect world.

Gauri Lankesh — A name we should be proud of

Source — Twitter

Gauri Lankesh was a journalist and an activist who was critical of right-wing Hindutva politics. She was the editor of “Lankesh Patrike” which was a Kannada daily started by her father. She also had her own weekly called “Gauri Lankesh Patrike”. She voiced her opinion on a lot of controversial issues pertaining to Indian society and that resulted in her sad demise when she was shot right outside her house in Bangalore on the fateful night of 5 September, 2017. Her honest work for the betterment of Indian society and politics was not only her award but also her reward and achievement. Her contribution to Indian journalism and Indian society is paramount and will never be forgotten. A good journalism needs integrity, fairness and courage and she was and will be an example of those qualities.



Sayan Bandyopadhyay

Full-time Developer, part-time Blogger. Sarcasm is my love language and procrastination is my superpower.