12in12: November

Kick the Dust

3 min readNov 14, 2018

In October I ventured into the realm of fantasy UI. Now it’s back to reality (more or less) and I’m ready to explore how to make learning about said reality a touch more exciting and interactive.

What to scan first?

This Month’s Project: Kick the Dust

I love nature & science. If you asked five year old me what I wanted to be when I grew up I’d have told you an entomologist (zoologist being a good backup plan). Until university, this was my focus in schooling as well and I never officially studied art/design. So it’s really no surprise that I love museums (then again, who doesn’t?).

So there was no way I was not joining the Digital Maker’s workshop series at Ulster Museum. Behind the scenes with curators, hands-on with artefacts, and getting to experiment with making of all sorts, what’s not to like? I’ve been attending for the last few weeks (*gasp* cheating on my monthly side project schedule!) but between work and other projects, haven’t had any proper time to dedicate to the prep necessary to produce engaging results. Time to change that!


  • Practice designing for tangible interaction and physical spaces
  • Dabble in making of all sorts: from 3D printing to laser cutting and VR displays
  • Indulge in my love of all things science, nature, history, and generally museum-related
  • Participate in an actual exhibition design and display

Icing on the cake:

  • Try my hand at imaginary exhibition design on the side
From photogrammetry to storytelling with artefacts and clowning around in Unity

The Month so Far:

Belfast Design Week happened. Enough art, design, & business events to fill a month crammed into a single week of pure brilliant madness. It culminated for me with three events in one day (helping in one, enjoying another over lunch, and speaking at a third). So needless to say, this particular side project has been on a bit of a back burner. But thanks to Saturday workshops at the museum, still managed to squeeze in some vinyl printing, photogrammetry, and VR painting with TiltBrush (bestest, trippiest thing ever). Here’s to more madness to come!

