Automate your trading 1 tool at a time

This tool sends you alerts on unusually volatile large cap stocks that are gapping up/down pre-market by over 1.0%

3 min readJan 31, 2023

Scanners suck!!

  1. They can find setups but they take a long time to look through.
  2. They aren’t pushed to you as an alert or notification, you have to monitor them yourself.
  3. They’re often not on the same screen as the chart of the stock you’re looking for, so they’re out of context.

But I have good news for you: It now costs $0.00 to access a growing suite of trading tools being built by expert engineers with the help of pro-level traders.

The Gap Tool

This tool identifies unusually volatile large cap stocks that have gapped up/down by more than 1.0% pre-market. ScaleTrade built a tool that pushes these alerts to your phone and laptop as a Discord alert accompanied by a screenshot of the chart at the instant of the alert and a link to the chart on TradingView (Figure 1).

Figure 1: ScaleTrade’s Gap Tool alerting for CVX

Let’s take a closer look at the criteria for…




Just some guys in their early 20’s trying to unlock quant trading for retail traders. Feel free to follow along :)