Fine-Tuning Cache and CDN Settings: Enhancing Performance and Stability

Chris Williams
11 min readJun 30, 2023

Have you ever found your services struggling to handle high traffic loads and maintain optimal performance?

In the realm of web services, ensuring the reliability, availability, and security of applications is of paramount importance. As developers and architects, we face the challenge of protecting our services from excessive traffic while simultaneously enhancing performance.

Implementing a CDN or caching layer can significantly alleviate the burden on our services by removing excessive traffic, protecting against potential bottlenecks, and mitigating the risk of service disruptions. While the initial setup may appear straightforward, achieving the optimal balance between performance and the integrity of our services requires careful fine-tuning.

Navigating Trade-Offs and Complexities

While CDNs excel in optimising the delivery of static content, they introduce complexities when dealing with dynamic data. The challenge lies in ensuring data freshness while reaping the benefits of caching. As developers and system architects, we must strike a delicate balance between reducing server load and maintaining the real-time accuracy of information.

One notable trade-off emerges when utilising a CDN to cache dynamic content: the delicate interplay between data currency and performance gains. Prolonged cache times improve performance by offloading traffic from our services, minimising response times, and reducing server costs. However, it also increases the risk of serving outdated or stale content, potentially compromising the integrity and trustworthiness of our services.

Exploring the Process of Cache Time Optimisation

In this post, we embark on a journey to unravel the intricacies of cache time optimisation — specifically focused on safeguarding services and bolstering performance. Geared towards developers and architects, we delve into the considerations, methodologies, and best practices involved in fine-tuning cache times to strike the optimal balance.

Our objective is to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions in protecting your services while maximising performance. By skillfully managing cache times, you can alleviate strain on your servers, guard against potential traffic surges, and ensure the integrity and responsiveness of your applications.

Data Frequency

Understanding the update frequency of your content is a crucial step in optimising cache times for your search service. Some of this will be computed data at regular intervals, a lot of it will be down to the business processes in play.

Analyse content dynamics: Start by examining the nature of the content in your search service. Determine which components are subject to frequent updates or changes. This could include items such as news articles, product listings, user-generated content, real-time data, or any information that requires timely updates.

Consider data sources and origin: Evaluate the sources of your data and how frequently they provide updates. For example, if your search service retrieves data from external APIs or databases, investigate the update frequency of those sources. If the underlying data changes frequently, it indicates a need for more frequent cache refreshes.

Collaborate with content owners or stakeholders: Engage with the individuals or teams responsible for creating or managing the content. Discuss the update patterns and understand their expectations regarding data freshness. They can provide valuable insights into the frequency of updates, peak periods, and any specific considerations that impact cache time optimisation.

Analyse historical patterns: Examine historical data or usage patterns to identify trends and fluctuations in content updates. Are there specific days, times, or events that trigger more frequent updates? By understanding these patterns, you can adapt cache time settings accordingly to accommodate peak update periods and ensure data remains fresh when it matters most.

Monitor user interactions: Use analytics tools to track user interactions and engagement with your search service. Monitor user-generated content submissions, comments, or other forms of user interactions that might trigger updates. By analysing user behaviour, you can gain insights into how frequently data needs to be refreshed to meet user expectations and demands.

Plan for future scalability: Anticipate potential changes in content update frequency as your search service evolves. Consider factors such as business growth, user base expansion, or content diversification. By planning for scalability, you can establish cache time settings that accommodate future demands and ensure a seamless user experience even as your service evolves.

By thoroughly understanding the update frequency of your content, you can make informed decisions when setting cache times. This knowledge allows you to strike the right balance between frequent cache updates for data freshness and longer cache durations to optimise performance, resulting in an effective caching strategy tailored to your search service’s specific needs.

Data Freshness

Data freshness refers to the timeliness and accuracy of the information presented to users in a search service. It represents how up-to-date the content is, reflecting the most recent changes or updates. Achieving the desired level of data freshness is crucial for providing users with accurate and relevant search results.

Real-time vs. Near real-time: Different types of content require varying levels of data freshness. Some applications, such as financial services or real-time monitoring systems, demand real-time data freshness, where information must be accurate to the very latest moment. Examples include stock prices, live event updates, or weather conditions. In these cases, data must be constantly refreshed to provide users with the most current information available.

Time-sensitive content: Certain types of content have time-sensitive elements that require frequent updates. News articles, blog posts, social media feeds, or product availability and pricing information fall into this category. For such content, maintaining data freshness is crucial, as users expect the latest updates and changes to be reflected accurately in their search results.

Staleness tolerance: Understand your users’ tolerance for stale data. Some applications can afford a certain degree of data staleness without significant consequences. For example, historical records, archived content, or reference materials may not require immediate updates. However, it’s still important to strike a balance between cache duration and ensuring that even these types of content are refreshed periodically to avoid presenting outdated information.

Content volatility: Evaluate the volatility or rate of change of your content. If your search service deals with rapidly changing content, such as social media feeds or dynamic user-generated content, the freshness requirement is higher. Conversely, if the content is relatively stable and changes infrequently, the need for frequent updates and cache refreshes may be lower.

User expectations: Consider the expectations of your users. Understand their information needs and how often they interact with your search service. If users expect real-time updates and dynamic content, data freshness becomes a critical factor in meeting their expectations. Aligning cache times with user expectations is vital for a positive user experience.

Business context: Assess the business implications of data freshness. Determine if serving stale or outdated data could have adverse effects on user trust, decision-making processes, or compliance requirements. For certain industries, such as finance, healthcare, or e-commerce, accurate and timely data is crucial to maintain regulatory compliance and user trust.

Striving for optimal data freshness involves finding the right balance between cache time settings and the need to deliver the most recent content to users. By considering factors such as content type, user expectations, volatility, and business context, you can design an effective caching strategy that maximises data freshness while balancing the performance benefits of caching.

Cache Invalidation

Cache invalidation is a crucial aspect of caching mechanisms that tackle the challenge of ensuring data freshness and accuracy in the presence of dynamic content updates.

As the famous computer scientist, Phil Karlton once stated, “There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation and naming things.”

Cache invalidation refers to the process of removing or updating cached content when changes occur in the underlying data source. It is a complex problem that arises because cached content can become stale or outdated if not properly invalidated.

Maintaining data integrity: When data is modified or updated in the origin server or the data source, it is essential to invalidate the corresponding cache entries to ensure the cached content remains synchronised with the latest changes. Cache invalidation guarantees that users receive accurate and up-to-date information, avoiding the potential pitfalls of serving stale data.

Granularity and efficiency: Cache invalidation strategies can vary in granularity and efficiency. Granularity refers to the level at which cache entries are invalidated. It can range from fine-grained, where individual items or pages are invalidated, to coarse-grained, where entire sections or collections of content are invalidated. Striking the right balance between granularity and efficiency depends on factors such as update frequency, cache size, and the impact of invalidation on server resources.

Invalidation mechanisms: Various mechanisms exist for cache invalidation. The most common approach is based on cache control headers, such as “Cache-Control” and “Expires,” which allow servers to specify the duration of cache validity. When changes occur, the server can send explicit invalidation requests, such as HTTP “PURGE” or “DELETE” requests, to remove specific cached entries. Another approach is to use cache-busting techniques, such as appending versioning information or unique identifiers to URLs, forcing the cache to fetch fresh content.

Event-driven invalidation: In dynamic systems where multiple components contribute to data changes, event-driven cache invalidation can be employed. Here, events triggered by data modifications or updates signal the need for cache invalidation. The system can then efficiently propagate the invalidation messages to relevant caches, ensuring synchronised updates across the entire caching infrastructure.

Cache coherence and distributed systems: Cache invalidation becomes even more challenging in distributed systems where caches are distributed across multiple servers or edge nodes. Ensuring cache coherence — maintaining consistency and synchronisation among distributed caches — requires careful coordination and communication between cache nodes. Consistency protocols, such as the cache invalidation protocols in distributed databases, can help manage cache coherence and ensure data integrity across the distributed cache infrastructure.

Effective cache invalidation plays a vital role in maintaining data freshness and accuracy. While it remains one of the “hard problems” in computer science, understanding the intricacies of cache invalidation mechanisms and employing appropriate strategies can mitigate the challenges associated with caching dynamic content. By implementing robust cache invalidation practices, developers and system architects can strike the delicate balance between performance optimisation and data integrity, ultimately enhancing the user experience and overall system reliability.

Performance Testing and Monitoring

Performance testing and monitoring are critical processes in evaluating and optimising the performance of a search service. By comprehensively assessing the system’s behaviour under various conditions, developers and system architects can identify bottlenecks, fine-tune configurations, and ensure an optimal user experience.

Performance Testing

Load Testing: This type of testing involves simulating realistic user loads to evaluate how the search service performs under expected levels of traffic. It helps identify performance issues such as response time degradation, resource contention, or scalability limitations.

Stress Testing: Stress testing pushes the system to its limits by subjecting it to exceptionally high loads or extreme conditions. It aims to identify potential points of failure, evaluate system stability, and assess its ability to recover after stressful events.

Scalability Testing: Scalability testing focuses on measuring the system’s performance as the workload increases. It helps determine the system’s capacity to handle growing user demands, ensuring that performance remains consistent as the user base expands.

Performance Profiling: Profiling involves analysing the system’s behaviour in detail to identify performance bottlenecks, such as slow database queries, resource-intensive operations, or inefficient code. Profiling tools provide insights into specific areas that require optimisation.

Performance Monitoring

Real-Time Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of the search service allows tracking key performance metrics such as response times, throughput, error rates, and resource utilisation. Real-time monitoring helps detect anomalies, identify performance degradation, and proactively address issues.

User Experience Monitoring: Monitoring the end-user experience provides valuable insights into the actual performance perceived by users. Metrics such as page load times, transaction success rates, and user journey analysis help assess the service’s impact on user satisfaction.

Infrastructure Monitoring: Monitoring the underlying infrastructure, including servers, databases, network components, and CDN performance, helps identify any bottlenecks or issues impacting overall system performance. It provides visibility into resource utilisation, capacity planning, and infrastructure optimisation opportunities.

Log Analysis: Analysing logs generated by the search service can reveal valuable information about system behaviour, performance issues, and errors. It aids in diagnosing and troubleshooting performance bottlenecks and provides a historical perspective for performance analysis.

By conducting performance testing and implementing comprehensive monitoring practices, developers and system architects can proactively identify performance issues, optimise configurations, and ensure that the search service meets expected performance benchmarks. Continuous monitoring and analysis of performance data enable timely optimisations, ensuring a responsive, efficient, and satisfactory user experience.

Iterate, Optimize

The process of iterating and optimising is a fundamental aspect of refining the cache time settings for your search service. It involves a continuous cycle of testing, analysis, and adjustments to find the most effective configuration.

Test and Evaluate: Start by implementing a specific cache time setting based on your initial considerations and understanding of your content and user needs. Deploy the configuration and gather performance data and user feedback. Conduct comprehensive tests and evaluations to measure the impact on performance, data freshness, and user experience.

Analyse Results: Analyse the data collected during testing and evaluation to gain insights into the effectiveness of the cache time setting. Look for patterns, trends, and any performance bottlenecks or issues that may have arisen. Examine metrics such as cache hit rates, response times, server load, and user feedback to assess the impact of the current configuration.

Identify Areas for Improvement: Based on the analysis, identify specific areas where the cache time setting could be improved. Look for opportunities to enhance performance, increase data freshness, or address any shortcomings identified during the evaluation phase. This could involve adjusting cache durations, introducing cache invalidation mechanisms, or exploring alternative caching strategies.

Adjust Cache Time Settings: Use the insights gained from the analysis to refine and adjust the cache time settings. This may involve experimenting with different cache durations, considering different cache control headers, or implementing more granular cache invalidation mechanisms. Fine-tune the configuration to strike a better balance between performance and data freshness.

Test and Validate: Implement the adjusted cache time settings in a controlled testing environment. Conduct additional performance tests, monitor the system’s behaviour, and gather feedback from users. Evaluate the impact of the adjustments on key performance metrics and user experience. Validate whether the changes have resulted in the desired improvements.

Repeat the Cycle: Based on the test results and validation, iterate the process by continuing to adjust and refine the cache time settings. Consider implementing smaller incremental changes rather than large-scale modifications to closely monitor the effects of each adjustment. Continuously test, analyse, and optimise to ensure ongoing improvements in performance and data freshness.

Monitor and Adapt: Once you have established an optimised cache time setting, implement a robust monitoring system to track performance and user behaviour on an ongoing basis. Monitor cache hit rates, response times, and user feedback to detect any deviations or emerging issues. Regularly revisit the cache time settings as content dynamics, user expectations, or system requirements change over time.

By iterating and optimising the cache time settings, you can fine-tune your search service to achieve the desired balance between performance and data freshness. The iterative process allows you to continually improve and adapt the configuration to meet evolving needs, ensuring an optimal user experience while maximising the benefits of caching.


In conclusion, the process of cache time optimisation requires careful consideration and continuous evaluation. It involves striking a delicate balance between performance gains and data freshness, leveraging CDNs and caching mechanisms to protect services and enhance user experience. By applying the principles and techniques discussed in this article, developers and system architects can navigate the complexities, make informed decisions, and achieve optimal results for their search services. Remember, it’s an iterative journey of continuous improvement, ensuring your services are equipped to handle traffic, deliver timely information, and provide a seamless user experience in an ever-evolving digital landscape.



Chris Williams

Web Dev / DevOps with a habit of using Amazon Web Services for things. Dependences: Bacon, Coffee. Toothpaste in my eye 1 times this year.