When Things Seem to Go Wrong, They’re Actually Falling into Place

4 min readJun 11, 2024

In life, we all experience moments when things don’t seem to be going right. It can feel like everything is falling apart. However, sometimes, what appears to be chaos is actually the universe or God working behind the scenes to align you with your deepest manifestations and prayers. Here’s why you should trust the process and embrace these moments of uncertainty.

The Hidden Blessing in Disguise

Often, we face challenges that seem insurmountable. Plans fail, opportunities slip away, and life feels out of control. But these moments are often blessings in disguise. What we perceive as setbacks are actually setups for something greater.

My Personal Journey: From Chaos to Clarity

There was a time when I felt that my life wasn’t going as planned. Everything seemed to be falling apart. Yet, amidst the turmoil, I had an inexplicable feeling that things were actually falling into place. This sense of peace, more profound than anything I had ever felt, reassured me that the universe was working for me, not against me.

Trust the Timing of Your Life

Timing is everything. When things don’t happen as planned, it doesn’t mean they’re not happening. It…




Navigating life's twists with sass, I'm crafting my boss lady journey. From lessons learned to God's grace, join me on the confident rise!