Hack Days — Sept 2018: Queries, HTML, CSS

Libby Schumacher-Knight
3 min readSep 23, 2018


I’ve realised that to be more productive at work I need to get a lot better at understanding and writing queries. Over the next few hack days, I am going to aim to improve my knowledge in this area, with Rails ActiveRecord queries as well as SQL.

I am also going to continue with my HTML/CSS is learning. On the August Hack Days:

I got into doing more HTML/CSS through finishing off one course and starting another on Udemy. However, I realised that at some point earlier this year I had also started an online book — Learn to Code HTML & CSS.

So this is what I am going to be working on getting through. I am finding it quite useful in that it explains things well and has good examples.

There is also an advanced one:

Although it has just be pointed out to me that perhaps jQuery shouldn’t be seen as advanced. The debate around using jQuery vs vanilla Javascript is something I need to look into further.

Getting Better at Queries

Have started going through


My kind of notes you can see here:

Learn to Code HTML & CSS

Working with Typography

In this section, it covered things that I pretty much already knew about. It was good to learn about things like Typeface vs. Font and being reminded about properties like font-variant.

My code for the site that for the tutorial is here:

and the code is here

I didn’t get as much done as planned, mostly due to being really tired. To help with this over the next month I am going to work on getting to bed early and getting at least 8 hours sleep, preferably 9 or 10 hours. And also not going to many things in the evenings during the week. I need to spend some time putting my physical health first, which will mean cutting out other things for a while.



Libby Schumacher-Knight

Web developer in Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand. Into helping others get into tech. Addicted to surfing.