Harmful Products And The Consequences Of Their Use

Beauty & Health
3 min readDec 22, 2021


The most pleasant thing in the world is immoral or leads to obesity. This phrase is quite true, because often the most delicious food is also the most harmful. In this article we will try to explain which foods are harmful, how people get used to them and what diseases can cause improper nutrition.

Harmful products

The “chupa-chups” adored by children, chewable candies, “maybons”, pastilles in a beautiful package are all harmful products. In addition, they contain a lot of sugar and various chemical additives, substitutes, dyes. Chips are a mixture of fat and carbohydrates, covered with a flavor substitute and a dye. Carbonated sugary drinks — a combination of chemistry, sugar and gases — all this contributes to the rapid spread of harmful substances through the body. Coca-Cola is a great tool for destroying rust and lime scale, and imagine what happens to the stomach after drinking half a liter of this drink. At the same time, sweet carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar.

Chocolate bars are warehouses of calories that are combined with GMOs, chemical additives, various flavors and dyes.

Special attention should be paid to sausages and sausages, which are stacked on store shelves. Try not to buy such products all the time, because they contain hidden fats — this is interior fat, lard or pork skin, all this variety is hidden by different flavors. Many sausages, sausages and sausages for the most part consist of soy, which is derived by genetic changes. And in general, fatty meat has a bad effect on the body, because cholesterol blocks blood vessels, thereby increasing the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases.

Homemade mayonnaise has no special contraindications, but if we are talking about factory production, then it can be argued that such a product is very angerous. Firstly, it has a lot of calories, as well as carbohydrates and fats.

Secondly, modern mayonnaise manufacturers do not disdain to add a flavor substitute or other harmful additive to it. This also applies to ketchup and other sauces made in factory conditions.

Fast food products are also harmful, ranging from diluted drinks, ending with soups and noodles. All of them contain a lot of unnatural products that harm your body.

Salt, or as it is called — the white death. It provokes the accumulation of toxins and increases blood pressure. Therefore, try not to abuse this product.

Alcohol is a separate topic. It not only interferes with the normal absorption of vitamins, but is also very high in calories. Its negative effect on the kidneys, liver and other organs is very great. And you do not need to deceive yourself by claiming that alcohol is harmless in small doses. It begins to destroy the body at the first sip.

What will happen if you eat harmful foods?

Improper nutrition is one of the first causes of many diseases. Fatty foods lead to an increase in your weight, substitutes, flavors and all kinds of dyes play the role of poison, destroying your body from the inside. It is worth noting that with a large amount of chemistry consumed, the body stops reacting to it as a harmful substance and therefore it seems to you that everything is fine with health, but often it is not.

To stabilize the work of your body, try to increase the amount of raw fruits and vegetables, they normalize the work of your digestive system and contain many different, and most importantly, useful vitamins.

It is also worth noting that not only the quality of food affects your well-being, but also its quantity. Watch your diet, try to give up fast food at work, pay due attention to your diet and then you will be able to preserve your health.



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