ICA with Fieldtrip (2)

Independant Component Analysis — Visualization

L. Bottemanne
1 min readJan 8, 2017

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We will, of course, visualize the data resulting from the ICA (ICA with Fieldtrip 1) one subject at a time, one block at a time (altough we will load all blocks at once in the loop ‘for block’).

Give the subject number ID (it’s place in the suj.m function):

subject = 1;

and the total number of blocks:

nb_blocks = 4;

Then, load the data for the selected subjects (loop ‘for block’):

%%% declare the subject structure 'S'
S = struct();
for block = 1:nb_blocks

%%%load the results of the ICA
load ([icapath char(subjects_list (subject,:)) …
‘_comp_block’ num2str(block)], ‘comp’);
%%% put it in the subject structure 'S'
S(subject).block(block) = comp; clear comp;

end;% for block

We can now, for the previously selected subject, specify the components of our interest (resulting from the ICA):

components = 1:20;

in the block of our choice:

block_visu = 1;

And look at it

icaview = ...
show_ica(subject_structure, subject, block_visu, components);

Finally, the most of the fun: the function icaview.m

function icaview = ... 
show_ica(subject_structure, subject, block_visu, components)
cfg.component = components;
cfg.layout = 'CTF275.lay';
cfg.zlim = 'maxabs';
icaview.topo = ...
ft_topoplotIC(cfg, subject_structure(subject).block(block_visu));

cfg.viewmode = 'vertical';
icaview.timecourse = ...
ft_databrowser(cfg, ... subject_structure(subject).block(block_visu));

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