A Quick Update from Scope Music

Scope Music
3 min readJul 27, 2020

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for checking out our blog page! We wanted to write an update on everything that’s been going on at Scope Music over the last few months. With everything going on around the world, we hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.

We’re Scope Music: a music sharing, social platform geared towards independent artists and music lovers all over the world. We wanted to create a space where new music can be discovered, while also giving artists and their fans a more intimate place to connect.

We’ve been a little quiet on social media lately, but that doesn’t mean we’ve gone dark! Scope Music is run by two buddies, Kale and Christian, who went to college for music and have a passion for not only music, but for the people who make music. With that being said, we work on this project as much as we can, but we also have our primary jobs which help fund Scope Music and the platform we dream of creating.

Between working our 9–5 jobs and taking care of our families, while also trying to develop our platform, we have fallen off posting on websites such as Twitter and Facebook. We plan on devoting more time to that so that we can keep our users in the loop with everything going on. With that being said, we wanted to share everything Scope Music has done so far, and also talk a little about what we have planned going forward. We plan on using Medium as a way to keep our users updated on our features since it helps us to be able to go into more detail than 140 characters can.

Since launching Scope Music into beta February of 2019, we have released the following features on our website:

  • Added a Discover Page for users to find new music from emerging artists
  • Allow users to upload music and sound files in full, uncompressed sound formats
  • Created a blog page for artists and music enthusiasts to express themselves in the best way they know possible with additional features being added
  • Created a Library section for users to save their favorite tracks found on Scope Music
  • Added a Direct Message feature for artists and users to connect across Scope

These core functions of our website will allow us to continue building on our current platform into a more robust, intuitive interface that will make it easier for users to discover and save music they come across.

We plan on adding more features in both the near-term and long-term for Scope. Some near term goals we plan on completing by the end of the year include the following:

  • General speed up of loading time on our website to create a more fluid interface
  • A “tip jar” for artists where fans can donate to their favorite artists
  • Redesigning the homepage to showcase trending artists and more information about Scope Music

In the long term, sometime early 2021, we plan on introducing the following:

  • Mobile App for iOS and Android. This will allow users to upload and find new music directly from their phone
  • Ability for artists to stream live from our app. Users can stream for free or charge their audience a fee to watch
  • Monetization Features for Artists such as selling merch, music, tickets, and more

With these goals and others in mind, we plan on continuing to build Scope Music into a website where users can find full quality sound files from the freshest underground artists looking for more exposure. We started Scope Music because we felt like other websites weren’t being fair to independent musicians, and those websites didn’t give musicians the tools they needed to be heard among all the noise out there. We want to sincerely thank everyone who signed up for Scope and have been helping us test the features. You have been a huge help and the reason why we want to continue on this journey! We hope to stay with us. If you haven’t heard of us, head over to scopemusic.me and take a look at what we’re about.



Scope Music

We're a new website for underground artists to get the exposure you deserve!