WikiLeaks & #MAGA @ White House

Demonstrations will Urge Trump to #FreeAssange

Scott Aldrich
3 min readJun 8, 2018

June 19, 11 am — Events in USA & Around the World

WASHINGTON, DC — June 8, 2018 — Thousands of WikiLeaks supporters along with members of the MAGA movement that swept President Trump into office will hold demonstrations on June 19 in Washington DC and cities across the country to demand that the President use his power to free the publisher from any potential indictment or charges in the US. The date marks the sixth anniversary of Assange seeking asylum in the Ecuadorean Embassy.

Defense of a free press and the pursuit of the truth has united the two camps in what some may consider strange bedfellows. Yet their one common goal is to urge President Trump to use his power and free Julian Assange.

“As someone who voted for Trump, I completely support Assange’s freedom,” said Nichole C, a MAGA organizer and WikiLeaks supporter who travelled from Wisconsin to Washington to deliver her message to the President. “Partisans want to say that a publisher should be in trouble for publishing the truth. The double-standard is stunning — they demonize Assange and WikiLeaks, but don’t fault any other coverage, including publishers who used WikiLeaks documents for their reporting.”

In the US, the primary event will take place at 11:00 am in front of the White House between Lafayette Park and the White House gate. Speakers include former intelligence officials, academics, activists and MAGA civic leaders. More events are scheduled for June 19 in Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco, CA, Austin and Phoenix, Texas, and Chicago, IL. Internationally, events are slated to occur in London, UK, Dublin, IR, Wellington, NZ, and Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, AU. Details are below.

Kevin Zeese, who is co-director of Popular Resistance and Advisory Board Member of the Courage Foundation, helped organize the White House demonstration.

“Freedom of speech and freedom of the press is being defined by the treatment of Julian Assange,” said Kevin Zeese, who is co-director of Popular Resistance and a member of the advisory board for the Courage Foundation. “Everyone who cares about these freedoms should speak out and take action on his behalf by joining the demonstration in Sydney, Australia on June 17 and the vigils being held in London and around the world on June 19 — the anniversary of when Julian sought asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy six years ago. On June 19 at 11:00 a.m. we will be holding a demonstration in support of Julian Assange at the White House. Please join us to call for an end to his persecution.”

Danger to Assange grows by the day as the new Ecuadorean Government moves to gain favor of the U.S. and evict Assange from the Embassy.

Assange and WikiLeaks came into the crosshairs of the US government in 2010 when the publishing organization released the video “Collateral Murder” which documented a US Apache helicopter murdering innocent civilians in Iraq, including two journalists who worked for Reuters.

In the 2016 Presidential primary and election, WikiLeaks released a trove of emails between the Clinton campaign and the DNC that exposed widespread coordination to hinder Senator Bernie Sanders bid for the nomination, that resulted in the disenfranchisement of millions of democratic voters. The political fallout of the leak was momentous as DNC Director and US Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced to resign.

The Clinton campaign immediately accused Russia of “hacking” the DNC and working with WikiLeaks to distribute the emails, yet no evidence has been provided to this day. Former CIA and intelligence officials including William Binney and John Kiriakou question why the DNC never allowed the FBI to look at the DNC’s server which would have cleared up the matter immediately.

Organizers hope that the upcoming protests will be the start of an international movement of the working class to demand that Assange is given his freedom as part of a broader campaign against war, censorship and to defend democratic rights.

The events will take place worldwide in Australia, Ireland, U.K, United States and Switzerland. Speakers include former intelligence officials, academics, activists and civic leaders. Events are scheduled for:

AU: Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Sydney,

USA: Washington D.C., Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Chicago, Austin –

U.K. Embassy or Consulate

IRELAND: Dublin — March to start from U.K. to the U.S. Embassy

U.K.: London — Ecuador Embassy

New Zealand: Wellington — U.S. Embassy

