
Scott Del Vecchio
4 min readApr 26, 2018


As we have mentioned before, in the past decade, the entire state of California has become even more desirable than it already was. Throughout the coast, substantial cities are paired with industries such as San Francisco with tech-startups, Los Angeles with media, and San Diego with pharmaceuticals.

Alameda, Oakland, and the Estuary

Whether you have lived in those areas predating their industry association or moved there for that specific reason, livability adapts and changes. In our past publication, we spoke about rent control and its effect on low/average income residents who have been dealt the unfortunate hand of having to relocate or even become homeless. Every situation also comes bearing fruit; areas that needed updating are being taken care of, residents with strong income can pay taxes that cities need, and small businesses are thriving.

So what about Alameda?

As residents, we know that this island is a hidden gem among the overwhelming rocks that surround it. But are we aware of its changes and status? Throughout the last two years, the East Bay Home Company has helped new and old residents with their real estate needs, and in passing, we have noticed the tipping of the scale between long-time residents and newcomers. A swapping of generation you may say. No matter who is on the island, its surroundings and itself are changing.

Overview look at a neighborhood in Alameda

Currently, Alameda is at the top of its game with housing. Talking with our customers and longtime residents, it is apparent how crave-worthy the island has become due to its old-town America feel, sense of family and community, and safety, which bring us to our next point: crime.

Alameda is now 9% under California average for total crimes and 4% under the national average. For specific crimes like violent ones, it is 57% under the California average and 51% under the national average versus 1% and 4% for property crimes. That in mind, we like to think that Alameda is doing a good job on maintaining safety. Feeling safe is one thing, but actively staying on top of it is another, which is why according to the East Bay Times, there are new ways to stay updated on emergencies on the island such as Nixle, SeeClickFix, and social media i.e. Facebook/Twitter (all the links are in the East Bay Times article).

Remote employee working & having breakfast at The Local

The evolving industries we mentioned bring in new residents with new jobs, and an abundance have come to Alameda to seek quiet and relief from the exciting and busy cities nearby. Employment is important for cities and governments to function and grow, which Alamedians are have a good reputation for. The income per capita is $45,590 (45% above state average and 53% national average), median household income is $83,048 (30% above state average and 50% national average), and 4% unemployment (9% under national average) for a total of 77,409 residents.

On the downside, the high cost of living and reported scarcity in amenities are what bring Alameda’s score down. We have already talked about cost of living in California, but we have a different take on local businesses. As part of our community outreach program in 2018, we have created an online series called Best of Alameda, where we showcase local business owners who are not only thriving, but also giving back to the community. Through this project, we have discovered more than enough businesses that provide amenities among the island and the stories that comes accompany them.

Hans Struzyna & Otto Wright having coffee on the first episode of Best of Alameda

Lastly, the weather: all smiles.

If you have any topic recommendations for upcoming publications, questions about real estate, or want to get in touch with East Bay Home Company, please feel free to email us at, call us at (510) 768–8228, and make sure to follow our Facebook page.


