Simona Mangiante-Papadopoulos is misleading the public about her background

Scott Stedman
6 min readOct 4, 2018

The wife of former Trump adviser George Papadopoulos has garnered much attention for her media appearances in which she proclaimed that Papadopoulos would be remembered as a John Dean figure, before completely changing her tune, claiming Papadopoulos was set up by the FBI and other allied intelligence agencies. She is the leading voice behind the conspiracy theory that the Maltese professor who told Papadopoulos about dirt on Hillary Clinton was actually working for Western intelligence. Mangiante worked for the Professor from September-November 2016, according to her own accounts.

Mangiante’s public persona is as intriguing and interesting as her claims about the Russia investigation. She has portrayed herself as an actress, model, fashionista and lawyer focused on international issues, including child abduction. However, a weeks-long investigation into her international background has revealed that she isn’t being truthful with at least some aspects of her background.

The revelations come as Mangiante has revealed that FBI investigators questioned her about being a Russian spy. “I used to work as a diplomat at the European Parliament for a few years and this could be a red flag because many officials at European Union actually — it’s a cover-up for spy jobs,” Mangiante told ABC News. She…

