Pirates of the Picibbean

3 min readApr 20, 2021


The Blessing of the Black Dill

Dill set sail for it’s maiden voyage just hours ago, and if you are unfamiliar with it — in a nutshell, it is a function for your every day pirate to lock their pickles in a treasure chest for a set period, from one day to four years, and everything in-between.

Why would any one do that?” I hear you ask…

Well put simply — booty sharing, voting power and farming boosts.

However, there is a far more meaningful answer to that question, and in this short piece, I shall outline the basics.

Every ship needs a crew

What makes a good pirate? They need to be bold, hard working and have a good mind for strategy.

The Black Dill needs a crew, and once formed they’ll be the Dilldao, which is the term for the folk who lock up their pickles for dill, as they are will be the governance arm of the pickle protocol — being able to make proposals, and vote on proposals as they see fit.

However, it requires a particular character profile to actually commit to locking up x amount of pickles for y amount of time, with y often more important than x, because for example, locking up 10,000 pickles for a week gives someone 11 Dill — this means their weight for booty sharing, voting and boosts are tiny in comparison compared to someone who locks up 100 pickles for four years, receiving 100 dill.

Thus, it takes a certain individual to lock their pickles up for the maximum of four years — and whether they know it or not, they are demonstrating strong pirate traits, because it shows courage, alongside with the long-term thinking necessary to make such a commitment.

That is why I use the ship analogy to demonstrate the idea that we are becoming part of a crew — sailing together for four years, and we do not know where we are going to be in four years time, and this is the crux of the matter, we need to show a desire to work together, because once you have x pickles committed for four years, it is in your best interests that you take part in keeping the ship afloat, let alone drive it towards booty.

Therefore, this is a great opportunity for like-minded people — who enjoy taking risks, want a sense of both camaraderie and obligation to take part in governance — to lock their pickles and become part of the crew. No matter how many pickles you can lock, locking them for four years will enable you to have a decent share of booty, voting rights and you’ll be able to boost your farms alongside other crew members who have pledged their pickles for that duration. And let me make it clear, locking up wealth into a high risk innovative technology is certainly not for the faint hearted, but I know that it will appeal to a select number of people who are in this space — because ultimately many of us are here for a sense of adventure, and becoming part of the Black Dill crew could enable a real adventure into the unknown world of innovation, full of highs and lows — with the possibility of treasure along the way.

