The Great Unknown: Consciousness

A subtle warning, and a call to arms

3 min readOct 8, 2020

In the coming months —’s community spirit will inevitably be tested — until this point we have had the enthusiasm, patience and the camaraderie to survive, and even thrive in the face of adversary. But for how long can we thrive off resilience and spirit? This will be a short piece laying out some of the hurdles we may face as a project, and the strategies we can individually take to decrease the likelihood of failure. It has been written in the hope of creating awareness in the community that we must remain consciously engaged with the project, the developers and the community if we are to succeed.


Ultimately, our pickles are a governance token — their intended purpose is to give us — the holders — a voice through the means of voting to govern the project in a way which optimizes the protocol — so that it remains profitable, allowing it to increase in size and pay out the profits to the us, the holders.

This means that without community interaction in discussions on future strategies, idea sharing, or even participation in governance — pickles will fail. It is the difficult reality of community-led projects, and until this point the pickle community has been amazing in this aspect, which is why so many of us are invested.

Many projects fail because community enthusiasm starts to dwindle in the medium to long-run, we all know examples of this happening — it is far easier at the start of a project to be optimistic and enthusiastic because everything is new and fresh. Hell — projects without strong communities die, and a strong community is currently our strength — but do not that for granted as it was YFI’s strength last month — yet if you check their discord today, it’s all FUD and confusion — we need to be conscious of how quickly community sentiment can shift.

And so, this is a call to arms for all those on the sidelines! The future of pickle does not depend on the price, but the strength of it’s community!

As we move into the Great Unknown — the greater the participation levels in discussion and governance, the better chance the project has of surviving — let alone thriving in the long-run.

Thus, it is in all of our interests to put in as much time as we reasonably can into governance issues — whether that is discussing new strategies, ideas for marketing, or just taking a passing interest in discussion for new PIPs so that we are all educated on the best decision for the pickle protocol long-term when it comes to voting on PIPs.

Therefore, each one of us has an important role to play in the future of the project. You may not be the most knowledgeable, or the most articulate because English isn’t your first language — that is fine. But it doesn’t stop you from trying, nor does it mean that you can’t read proposals or vote on PIPs.

Alas, some of you may even come up with new ideas which will help the pickle community, perhaps writing in your native language or hosting a podcast, or even creating info graphics, who knows? The world is your oyster and you have unlimited potential — grasp this opportunity and make the most of it. If you feel that you want to be part of something big — this is your opportunity. If you see yourself as a regular guy or girl — and don’t think you will add anything to this project — either take the risk and try, or be determined to take an interest in governance issues! The more of us who do our collective duty to research and vote, the better the final product will be!

To wrap up this short piece — we all need to be consciously aware of how great the community is right now and not let our standards slip. How great would it be if we had increased participation in governance issues? If we work together with passion and vigilance we can make a profitable DAO, please do not let this chance go to waste!

Stay informed on governance issues by making an account and reading + commenting on:

Vote on proposals:

Take an active role in discord discussion:

