some books for designers, vol.1

2 min readMar 12, 2016


These were some, I stumbled upon while moving across the few projects. The course New Media Design brought about an interesting recourse in my life and the learning(s) I found from mentors and peers is irreplaceable.

Duchamp’s Play. #ProjectionMapping #MarcelDuchamp #TouchOSC #NID #PGCampusGandhinagar

& then I thought I must share with the community of learners where-ever, all the amazing ideas/thoughts/epiphanies/concepts I stumbled upon in some the books that were either recommended to me, or I found out during research, or those that seldom pop up during agenda-less conversations, or some that I found when trying to peek into “what are they reading?”

  1. Design for the Real World : Human Ecology and Social Change
  2. The Design of Everyday Things
  3. Heidegger, a graphic guide
  4. Sentient City — Ubiquitous Computing, Architecture and the Future of Urban Space
  5. Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-time City
  6. City as Interface: How New Media Are Changing the City
  7. Media Art and the Urban Environment: Engendering Public Engagement with Urban Ecology (Future City)
  8. The Image of the City
  9. New Movement in Cities
  10. What Things Do: Philosophical Reflections on Technology, Agency, and Design
  11. Moralizing Technology: Understanding and Designing the Morality of Things
  12. Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing
  13. Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory
  14. Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic Hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia
  15. Codex Seraphinianus
  16. Shaping Things
  17. The cybercities reader
  18. Cities for people
  19. The Death and Life of Great American Cities
  20. Leonardo Journals
  21. Personal, Portable, Pedestrian
  22. Net Locality : Why Location Matters in a Networked World
  23. The Design of Implicit Interactions: Making Interactive Systems Less Obnoxious
  24. Imaginary Futures: From Thinking Machines to the Global Village
  25. Liquid Modernity
  26. The philosophy of ‘as if’
  27. Envisioning Real Utopias
  28. Questioning Technology
  29. The Book of Dave
  30. Such Stuff as Dreams: The Psychology of Fiction
  31. Utopia
  32. Science Fiction as Cognitive Estrangement
  33. Speculative Everything
  34. Space Merchants
  35. Pastoralia
  36. American Psycho
  37. Super Sad True Love Story : A Novel
  38. England England
  39. Happiness
  40. Blind Faith
  41. After Man : Zoology of the future
  42. Oryx and Crake
  43. Red Plenty
  44. The world who wants it?
  45. The City & The City
  46. Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth
  47. What Technology Wants
  48. The Social Life of Information
  49. Man the Unknown
  50. Setting Up Your Shots
  51. An Actor Prepares
  52. Seven Elements that have Changed the World
  53. Lab Coats in Hollywood
  54. Imaginary Futures
  55. Media in the Digital Age

This list is not meant to be taken too seriously. These are just some books that got my attention between April,2012 and October,2015. I would like people in the field of design/creatives to try these, and then make up their own mind.

Please feel free to share with your community.

Disclaimer : Links shared are of amazon, flipkart and do not indicate any support for the brand(s). Please feel free to access the books from which ever source you are comfortable with.

