Rev. Fred Denial
1 min readAug 21, 2016


“… he could actually be a fat man…

If he’s a fan of Dashiell Hammett he could be any size.

I must have missed something here. Judging by the dregs of what I’ve missed it seems to be related to medical malpractice or malfeasance. That is a soapbox I’ve mounted many a time. Not a fan of Doctors infallibility. At least the Pope has a funny hat to top his off. Most of my recent medical problems are what are termed “Medically induced”. A euphemism for unexpected side effects from cancer treatment. I beat the cancer, still working on the side effects of the treatment.



Rev. Fred Denial

Curmudgeon at large. A Baby Boomer vintage Editor & Writer. Three Decades in journalism & publishing. I’m often blunt — I neither aspire to, nor appreciate PC.