Rev. Fred Denial
1 min readApr 13, 2017


You have Stephen King, but you missed several similar books by other extremely successful writers. For instance Lawrence Block has several books on writing that are in King’s class. His “Write for Your Life”, “Telling Lies for Fun & Profit” and “Spider, Spin me a Web” are well worth a look.

Ray Bradbury, P.D. James, and quite a number of other well published 20th Century writers have produced “How To” guides. Norman Mailer’s “The Spooky Art: Thoughts on Writing” is another. I know a number of successful authors who praise Francine Prose’ “Reading like a Writer”.

There are a lot out there, but I regard those published by writers with a long and successful writing career with more respect than those published by people with no evident success in the field. Amazon is filled with advice books produced by people with no catalogue.



Rev. Fred Denial

Curmudgeon at large. A Baby Boomer vintage Editor & Writer. Three Decades in journalism & publishing. I’m often blunt — I neither aspire to, nor appreciate PC.