Webpack 5 Module Federation: A game-changer in JavaScript architecture

Module federation allows a JavaScript application to dynamically run code from another bundle/build, on client and server.

Zack Jackson
The Startup


This is the JavaScript bundler equivalent of what Apollo did with GraphQL.

A scalable solution to sharing code between independent applications has never been convenient, and near impossible at scale. The closest we had was externals or DLLPlugin, forcing centralized dependency on a external file. It was a hassle to share code, the separate applications were not truly standalone and usually, a limited number of dependencies are shared. Moreover, sharing actual feature code or components between separately bundled applications is unfeasible, unproductive, and unprofitable.

What is Module Federation?

It’s a type of JavaScript architecture I invented and prototyped. Then with the help of my co-creator and the founder of Webpack — it was turned into one of the most exciting features in the Webpack 5 core (there’s some cool stuff in there, and the new API is really powerful and clean).

Module federation allows a JavaScript application to dynamically load code from another application — in the process, sharing dependencies, if an application consuming a federated module does not have a dependency needed by the federated code —…



Zack Jackson
The Startup

Infra Architect @ ByteDance. Creator of Module Federation. Specializing in Bundler and Javascript Orchestration at scale.