
3 min readDec 24, 2022


This is the story of greedy, mean spirited, miserable old man. A man with no empathy and selfishness that defies all good. A man known for his wealth and cheapish ways. A man known as….Ebenezer Scrooge.

Working in his office, a greedy and mean-spirited moneylender who despises Christmas and all that follows works steadily next to his clerk named Bob Cratchit on a chilly Christmas Eve. Every other business is closed and all employees are home with their families while Scrooge pushes on to make every single penny he can at the expense of others like Cratchit. Reluctantly Scrooge decides to close the office at 9pm and gives Cratchit the following day off with no pay.

Just as Scrooge is about to enter his home for the evening, he sees the face of his old business partner, Marley, in the door knocker. This frightens him, but Scrooge shrugs it off and prepares for bed. Later that evening, Scrooge is visited by Marley’s ghost, who warns him that in order to avoid an afterlife of torment, Scrooge will be visited by three ghosts.

Almost impossible to sleep, Scrooge stares at his bedroom door awaiting for someone or something to enter. Suddenly the door flies open with a gust of fog that enters the room. Ebenezer Scrooge….Ebenezer Scrooge!!!! The Ghost of Christmas Past blasts into the room and hovers right over top of Scrooge. Immediately taking him to special memories of his childhood and young adult years, where he becomes so absorbed with making money that his fiancee leaves him.

Scrooge later wakes from his bed only to laugh thinking it was just a bad dream, but soon that thought is broken….Within mins Scrooge is visited by the second ghost, the Ghost of Christmas Present. This jolly ghost takes him to the streets of London and shows him how normal people celebrate Christmas, including Scrooge’s nephew, Fred, and his clerk, Bob Cratchit. The Cratchits, although poor, make the most of what they have and are held together by the love of Tiny Tim, a small boy with handicap and a crutch.

The last ghost revitalize Scrooge’s outlook on Christmas and brings out the good feelings and empathy for others. However, Scrooge is then visited by the third ghost, the Ghost of Christmas Future. This grim figure shows how others react to Scrooge’s eventual death and portrays the Cratchits in the aftermath of Tiny Tim’s death.

Because of these signs, Scrooge vows to change and cherish Christmas. After a flash of light, Scrooge is then returned to his bed and finds that it is Christmas morning. Celebrating his life again like he was reborn, he runs to the local market and buys a giant feast for the Cratchits and visits his nephew to celebrate Christmas.

It’s Christmas.

Time for giving….Time for friends….Time for family

Time for a strong community.


