7 Skills of Highly “Effective” Programmers

Inspired by an ex-Google TechLead

Ben Rogojan
SeattleDataGuy By SeattleDataGuy


Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

Software engineers spend a lot of time gaining skills for interviews by practicing leet code problems and perfecting resumes.

Once they finally get that job at a startup, Google, Amazon, or another corporation, they might find the skills they used to get the job don’t match the ones they need in their everyday work.

Our team was inspired by the seven skills of highly effective programmers created by the TechLead. We wanted to provide our own take on the topic.

Here are our seven skills of effective programmers.

1. Learn How to Read Other People’s Code

Everyone but you writes terrible code.

That is why a great skill that has multiple benefits is being able to follow other people’s code.

No matter how messy or poorly thought out a previous engineer’s code is, you still need to be able to wade through it. After all, it’s your job. Even when that engineer was you one year prior.



Ben Rogojan
SeattleDataGuy By SeattleDataGuy

#Data #Engineer, Strategy Development Consultant and All Around Data Guy #deeplearning #dataengineering #datascience #tech https://linktr.ee/SeattleDataGuy