BFAR Smart Contracts: Part 1 — A New Naming Convention

5 min readJun 8, 2018


This series explores some of the functions of our smart contract unlocked by the utility token, BBL. We will be discussing some of the features and hopefully, to people new to tokenomics within the world of blockchain, demystifying the role of smart contracts within decentralised platforms and how they replace the role of 3rd party personnel, enable autonomous actions to take place and incentivise community adoption.

Part 1: A New Naming Convention

Part 2: Token Reissue Events — Role of a Decentralised Reserve

Part 3: Swap and Burn — Multiple VSP’s under one standard

Part 4: Staking to seed — The Bubbled Foundation

VSNS — Naming Convention for Virtual Spaces

The Domain Naming System (DNS) was set up to provide human-readable names to IP locations for digital content hosted on the World Wide Web the information space where documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URL). The Domain Name System delegates the responsibility of assigning domain names and mapping those names to Internet resources by designating authoritative name servers for each domain.

The Virtual Space Naming System (VSNS) is the new global standard for mapping digital content displayable as AR back to its originating cloud server. It enables there to be accountability for content served to real-world locations by both the creator and the distributor.

The emerging AR Multiverse

Multiple AR clouds will distribute digital content to geographic locations globally — with each cloud being accessible by the platforms native hardware. Some platforms are solely cloud vendors, distributing digital content for a persistent AR experience with an open API or SDK to enable content retrieval whereas other platforms provide both the hardware and the cloud for a siloed experience.

The lack of a virtual space registrar means multiple AR experiences co-existing in the same geographic location with no way to track ownership of digital content — the VSNS naming convention enables each experience to be traced back to the vendor cloud for AR governance.

The result is a less cluttered AR landscape with the ability to track content and provide accountability for governance.

The companies mentioned are for illustrative purposes only as a ‘what if’ scenario — read more on them at: Blue Vision Labs and Ubiquity6

Multiple AR experiences co-existing in the same location can lead to multiple breaches of spatial law, starting with privacy. Digital content served to locations deemed as valuable virtual real-estate due to area demographics may result in encroachment of privately-owned physical land. For these instances, with the aid of the VSNS, content can be traced back to distributing sources wherein the owner can visit to see who owns the virtual space for matters of legal recourse — the same way we can visit WHOIS to trace the owner of a top level domain.

Multiple AR platforms exist on top of eachother — but now with a way to track the responsible cloud distributor and owner of digital content

Identity and Ownership for Spatial Law

BFAR (Bubbled Framework for Augmented Reality) is the leading industry voice for a global and standardised framework of governance for the placement of digital content in physical geographic locations, starting with a code of conduct.

Spatial Law is the set of legal issues associated with geospatial technology and the collection, use and transfer of location and other types of spatial data.

Key Issues include:

· Privacy

· Intellectual Property Rights

· Data Quality/Liability

· National Security

Using blockchain technology provided by technology partner Bubbled, BFAR maintains and updates the decentralised registrar of Virtual Space Providers (VSP) found at VSNS ( to identify ownership of virtual spaces for matters of legal recourse.

BFAR’s role — Decentralised Record Creation & Management

BFAR create generic smart contracts for decentralised record management, modelled from Bubbled, for each individual platform within the layers of the AR multiverse which enable the platform users to record ownership of virtual space hosting content from the cloud servers of that platform. Ultimately, the platform provider ensures that physical locations hosting digital content from their servers has a legal owner, which enables there to be a route to legal recourse in any disputes.

1. BFAR create smart contracts on behalf of the VSP which can be accessed by using ERC 20 utility tokens issued by the VSP

2. The VSP registers their unique namespace identifier. Any content or virtual space hosting their content will be identified with this namespace as part of the address string.

3. These ERC 20 utility tokens are spent to create a record of ownership of a virtual space which is stored on a distributed ledger as an ERC 721 digital asset

4. Spent ERC 20 utility tokens are sent to a decentralised reserve controlled by a smart contract which reissues when there is a low circulating supply of utility tokens

5. VSP’s can allow owners of virtual space to register their 0x address with human-readable names for fiat payment at

Glossary of terms

VSP — Virtual Space Provider

Software or hardware vendor, who serves or facilitates access of digital content in physical locations as augmented reality.

VSNS — Virtual Space Naming System

BFAR’s decentralised record creation and management system which issue smart contracts whose functions are accessible by utility tokens to record identity and ownership of virtual space tied to real-world geolocations.

VNS — Virtual Name Space

The searchable 0x address registered as owner of a virtual space.

Bubbled is building an AR platform whose framework is solving issues of ownership and governance within real-world spaces hosting augmented reality content. Join our Telegram and follow for updates on our Token Generation Event.

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Decentralised virtual spaces and governance for AR content. Check out details on our upcoming ICO — Telegram: